“In 1945 the University of Iowa Library entrusted to one of its long-time librarians, Grace Wormer, the task of forming a special collection of books written by Iowa authors,” wrote Frank Paluka in Iowa Authors: A Bio-bibliography of Sixty Native Writers (Iowa City: Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries, 1967). “An Iowa author, for the purpose of this collection, was considered to be any writer born in the state or definitely associated with Iowa who had written at least one published book. For non-native writers, a definite association with the state was usually interpreted to mean a residence in Iowa of twenty years or more.” By 1967 the collection included the work of more than 800 writers. A 1993 article by Robert McCown in Books at Iowa gives more details on the history of the collection.
Today, the collection embraces books by the nearly 2,000 authors named below. A short list of writers whose eligibility is uncertain is appended; information about these writers is particularly welcome.
In addition to published work, manuscripts have been collected when possible. Names preceded by an asterisk (*) are represented in the collection by pre-publication manuscripts, editorial and fan correspondence, and related documents. A bracketed “O” following the name indicates that a MARC-AMC record, which containts further descriptive information, has been entered in InfoHawk, the Libraries’ online catalog; an entry is linked to an on-line finding aid when the name is highlighted; and a bracketed “P” indicates that the author was among the 60 included in Paluka’s Iowa Authors. Links have also been inserted, where possible, to articles which feature the named author and which appeared in Books at Iowa.
Aamodt, Margaret D. (Mrs. Oscar), 1910-
Abbe, George, 1911-
Abel, (Aaron) Darrel, 1911-
Abernathy, Alonzo, 1836-1915
Ackerson, Albin Clarence
Acton, Patricia Nassif, 1949-
Adair, Aldon. See: Meigs, Cornelia Lynde, 1884-1973
Adams, Arthur Eugene, 1917-
Adams, Ephraim, 1818-1907
Adams, Fred D., 1890-
Adams, Henry Carter, 1851-1921
Adams, Paul, 1951-
Adelman, Betty
Addis, Laird
Adkins, Dave
Adler, Betty
Adler, Philip David, 1902-1984
Adrian, Charles Raymond, 1922-
Agan, (Anna) Tessie, 1897-
Ahern, Lawrence Dale, 1910-
Aherne, Owen. See: Cassill, Ronald Verlin, 1919-
Airy, Loren, 1911-
Albers, Henry Herman, 1919-
Albers, Marjorie Klein, 1923-
Albers, Patricia
Alden, Cynthia May Westover, 1861-1931
Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 1881-1954 [P]
Aldrich, Charles, 1828-1908
Aldridge, John Watson, 1922-
Alexander, Edward Porter
*Alexander, Mary Jean McCutcheon, d. 1992
Alexander, W.E.
Allen, Anne B.
Allen, Arthur Francis 1867-1949
Allen, Edward Switzer, 1887-1985
Allen, Mary
Allen, Robert E. (Bob), 1920-
Allinson, MacBurnie, 1923-
Allison, William Boyd, 1829-1908
Allred, Gordon T., 1930-
Ames, Van Meter, 1898-
Andersen, Wayne V., 1928-
*Anderson, Betty Baxter, 1908-1966
Anderson, David Allen, 1874-
Anderson, Duane, 1943-
Anderson, Edward L., 191[8?]-
Anderson, Elaine Joy, 1925-
Anderson, James H., 1842-
Anderson, Mabelle Mae Stanley, 1894-
Anderson, Norman D., 1928-
Anderson, Paul B., 1894-
Anderson, Scott
Anderson, Wayne I.
Anderzhon, Mamie Louise, 1900-
Andorf, Michael
Andreas, Brian
*Andreas, Osborn, 1903-
Andrews, Barbara
*Andrews, Clarence Adelbert, 1912- . See also his “Iowa Literary History, 1971-1991” from Books at Iowa
Angell, James W., 1920-
Ansley, Delight, 1906-
Anson, Adrian Constantine, 1852-1922
Anthony, Joseph Herman, 1884-1952
Anton, Rita Kenter, 1920-
Arbuckle, John William, 1864-1960
Arbuthnot, May Hill, 1884-1969. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
*Argow, Waldemar, 1916-
*Armitage, Merle, 1893-1975 [O/I/P]. “Merle Armitage: Accent on Taste” by Jay Satterfield from Books at Iowa
Armstrong, Herbert W., 1892-1986
Armstrong, Robert Lyle, 1927-
Armstrong, Ruth Gallup, 1891-
Arnold, Gladys Naomi, 1896-
Arnold, Jean
Arnold, Lloyd R., 1906-1970
Arnold, Richard Lee, 1928-
Arpy, Jim
Arre, Helen. See: Ross, Zola, 1912-
Artley, Bob
Artlip, James
Artlip, Mary Ann
Ash, David Fuller, 1898-
Ashby, Newton Beniah, 1856-1945
Asprey, Robert B., 1923-
Athearn, Walter Scott, 1872-1934
Atherly, Mary E.
Auge, Thomas Edward, 1923-
Aurner, Clarence Ray, 1863-1948
*Aurner, Nellie Slayton, 1874-1961
Aurner, Robert Ray, 1898-1990
Autry, James A.
Avery, Gladys Catherine, 1899-1986. See: Zinn, Gladys Avery
Aviva, Elyn
Babbitt, Charles Henry, 1843-1925
*Bach, Marcus Louis, 1906-1995 [O/I]
Bacon, Elizabeth Browning Blanchard, 1887-1923
Bacus, Kathleen
Bahnsen, Kimberly Welter, 1956-
Bailey, A.S.
*Bailey, Alfred Marshall, 1894-1978 [O]
Bailey, Belle
Bailey, Bert Heald, 1875-1917
Bailey, James Martin, 1929-
Bailey, Shirley Segerstrom
Baker, Caroline Isadora (Blackwell), 1845-1906
Baker, Chris D., 1956-
Baker, Larry
*Baker, Laura Nelson, 1911-
*Baker, Richard Terrill, 1913-
Baldrige, Al, 1894-
Baldwin, Edith Ray Crapo, 1871-
Baldwin, Martin T., 1872-
Balk, Alfred, 1930-
Ball, George Wildman, 1909-1994
Ballard, Jane. See: Gorman, Carol
Balmer, Randall Herbert
Banks, Charles Eugene, 1852-1932
Banse, Timothy P., 1951-
Barhydt, Theodore Wells, 1835-
Barnes, Charline
Barnes, Clara Mae, 1890-1959
Barnes, Stephen Goodyear, 1853-
Barnett, Joel
Barr, Granville Walter
Barragan, Nina. See: Weinstein, Rocio Lasansky
Barrett, B.L.
Barrett, Katherine Ruth Ellis, 1879-
Barrett, Robert LeMoyne, 1871-1969
Barrette, Lydia Margaret
Barron, Bryton, 1898-
Barry, Joe. See: Lake, Joe Barry, 1909-
Barton, Gerald F., 1917-
Bashford, Herbert, 1871-1928
Batcheler, Robert Gaynard, 1931-
Battenhouse, Roy Wesley, 1912-
Bauer, Douglas
Baumback, Clifford, 1915-
Baumgartner, John Stanley
Baxter, Betty. See: Anderson, Betty Baxter, 1908-1966
Bayne, Spencer. See: Spencer, Floyd Albert, 1899-1978
Beach, Abel, 1829-1899
Beachy, Stephen, 1965?-
Beam, Walter H., 1875-1960
Beaman, Bill
Bean, Abigail (Mrs.)
Bean, Walton Elbert, 1914-1977
Beardshear, William Miller, 1850-1902
Beardsley, William Shane, 1901-1954
Beaty, John Yocum, 1884-1961
Beck, Robert Knowlton, 1915-
Beck, Robert Nelson, 1924-
Becker, Carl Lotus, 1873-1945 [P]
Beckman, John
Beckwith, Sarah E. Porter, 1845-
Bedell, L. Franklin, 1888-
Bedford, Henry Frederick, 1931-
Beer, John M., 1898-
*Beer, Thomas, 1889-1940 [P]
Beezley, Paul C., 1895-
Beitler, Ethel Jane Heinkel, 1906-
Belin, David W., d. 1999
Belknap, William Worth, 1829-1890
Bell, Earl Hoyt, 1903-1963
Bell, John Thomas
Bell, Marvin, 1937-
Belting, Natalia Maree, 1915- “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Benbow, John Lincoln, 1867-
Bendt, Iva Mae
Bennett, Mary
*Benson, Mildred Augustine Wirt, 1905- [P-“Wirt”]. See also Benson’s “The Ghost of Ladora” and Geoffrey Lapin’s “The Ghost of Nancy Drew” from Books at Iowa
Benson, Wendell R.
Benstock, Shari, 1944-
Benton, Elbert J., 1871-1946
Benton, Thomas Hart, Jr., 1816-1879
Bentz, Dale M., 1919-
Beran, Janice A.
Berens, Robert J., 1922-
Berg, Darrel E., 1920-
Berg, Michael
Bergee, L.K.
*Bergmann, Leola Marjorie Nelson, 1912-
Bernard, Robert. See: Martin, Robert Bernard, 1918-
Berry, Vern, 1906-
Berryhill, Clinton, 1927-
Betts, Anna Freelove, 1869-1944
Betts, George Herbert, 1868-1934
Bever, Lavinia Silliman, 1850-1926
Bickley, Beulah Vick, 1877-1957
Bied, Dan 1926-1998
Biggle, Lloyd, Jr., 1923-
Bilbo, George W.
Birckbeck, John, 192[9?]-
Birkby, Evelyn
Birkby, Robert, 1950-
*Bissell, Bess G., 1876?-1974
*Bissell, Richard Pike, 1913-1977 [O/I/P]
Black, Gladys
Black, Thomas B., 1910-
Black Hawk, 1767-1838
Blackburn, Laura. See: Blanden, Charles Granger, 1857-
Blair, Walter A., 1856-
Blanchard, Charles
Blanden, Charles Granger, 1857-
Blaski, Steven, 1955-
Bliss, Marion Louise, 1900(?)-
Bliss, Ralph Kenneth, 1880-
*Bliven, Bruce, 1889-1977 [O]
Block, Alfred E., 1894-
Bloom, Isabel
Bloom, John
Bloomer, Dexter C., 1816-1900
Blum, Virgil Clarence, 1913-
Blumenthal, Walter Hart, 1883-1969 [P]
*Bock, Frederick S., 1916-1981 [O/I)
Boelts, Maribeth
Boettcher, Henry J., 1893-
Bohrofen, Cleo
Bollinger, James Wills, 1867-1951
Booth, Benjamin F., 1837-
Booth, Edmund, 1810-1905
Borah, Leo Arthur, 1889-
Borich, Michael, 1949-
Borlaug, Norman E., 1914-
Borreson, Ralph C., 1902-
Boss, Bertram J.
Boston, Robert
*Bourjaily, Vance Nye, 1922-
Bourret, Joan Liffring Zug. See: Liffring Zug, Joan; Zug, Joan Liffring 1929-
Bovbjerg, Dana, 1951-
Bowden, Mary Weatherspoon
Bowen, Eugene Rider, 1881-
Bowen, Roger B.
Bowman, Harold Martin, 1876-
Bowman, James Cloyd, 1880-
Bowman, John Gabbert, 1877-1962
Boyd, Cyrus F.
Boyd, William Robert, 1864-1950
Boyken, J. Clarine J.
Boylan, Aaron A., 1827-1923
Boylan, James Richard, 1927-
Bradbury, Dorothy Eden
Braden Louise Garland
Braden, Thomas Wardell, 1918-
*Bradley, Duane, 1914- “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Brady, Lillian, 1902-
Braga, Julia Lundy, 1904-
Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt, 1868-1942
Brandt, Inez
*Brant, Irving Newton, 1885-1976 [O/P]
Braverman, Melanie, 19[70?]-
Bray, Thomas James, 1877-
Breckner, Fred
Breen, Quirinus, 1896-1975
Brewer, Luther Albertus, 1858-1933
*Briggs, John Ely, 1890-1952
Briggs, Rose Marie, 1943-
Brigham, Johnson, 1846-1936
Brindley, John Edwin, 1878-
Brock, Walter Raleigh, 1870-
Brogan, Isabel
Brokaw, George Lewis
Brooke, Mildred Crew, 1872-1940
Brookhart, Smith Wildman, 1869-1944
Brooks, Emerson M.
Brosseit, Virginia Spielman, 1920-
Broulik, Alma
Brown, Alfred G.
Brown, Bernice
*Brown, Charles Reynolds, 1862-1950
Brown, Craig McFarland
Brown, David K., 1890-
Brown, Don Doyle, 1934-
Brown, Frank D.
Brown, Harriet Connor, 1873-1962
Brown, Harrison Douglas, 1861-
*Brown, Hazel E.
Brown, Howard Clark, 1898-
Brown, John Elward, 1879-1957
Brown, Leonard, 1837-1914
*Brown, Lewis Herold, 1894-1951
Brown, Marilyn
Brown, Mark Herbert, 1900-
Brown, Merrill Edwin, 1926-
Brown, Robert C.
Brun, Lester J., 1912-1984
Bryan, Caitlin Adams
Bryson, Bill, 1915-1986
Bryson, Bill, 1951-
Buchan, J. Don (Joseph Donald), 1908-
Buchan, Vivian E., 1910-
Buchanan, Cynthia, 1942-
Buchanan, Estelle D.
Bucheister, Patt
Buck, Lillie West Brown, 1860-
Buckmann, Carol A.
Bumpers, Floyd
Buntrock, Kermit L., 1911-
Burbank, W.J.
Burchette, Edward Joseph, 1910-1989
*Burdette, Robert Jones, 1844-1914
*Burdick, Eugene Leonard, 1918-1965
Burgess, John
Burke, William J.
Burling, Edward Burnham, 1870-1965
Burlingame, Virginia Struble, 1900-
Burns, Edward Bradford, 1932-1995
Burns, Stuart L.
Burrows, John McDowell, 1814-1889
Burton, Marion Leroy
Burton, William Lee
Bush, Bertha Evangeline, 1866-1920
Butcher, Harry Cecil, 1901-
*Butler, Ellis Parker, 1869-1937 [O/P]. See also “Lighting Out For The Territory Back East: Ellis Parker Butler, American Humorist” by Henry B. Chapin.
Butterworth, Julian Edward, 1884-
Butts, Albert Parks, 1888-
*Buxbaum, Katherine, 1885-
Byers, Samuel Hawkins Marshall
Byrne, Bill, 1943-
Byrne, Robert, 1930-
Cable, Emmet James, 1876-
Cady, Jay. See: Deming, Judson Keith, 1858-1952
Cain, Chelsea
Cain, Maude Ludington
*Calhoun, Mary Huiskamp, 1926- . “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
*Calkin, Homer Leonard, 1912-1995 [O/I]
Cameron, Janet Elliott
Cameron, Robert W., 1911-
Camp, John, 1944-
Campbell, Blanche
Campbell, Macy, 1879-1927
Campbell, Timothy James
Canine, Craig
Canter, Arthur
Canter, Miriam
Carey, MacDonald, 1913-1994
Carey, Michael A., 1954-
*Carhart, Arthur Hawthorne, 1892-1978 [O/P]
Carlsen, Ruth Christoffer, 1918-
Carlson, Bruce
*Carlson, Esther Bolster, 1920-
Carman, Paul H.
Carnahan, Ann Combs, 1914-
Carpenter, John Allan, 1917-
Carpenter, Lavern E.
Carr, Harry, 1877-1936
Carson, Johnny, 1925-
Carspecken, Philip F., 1886-
Carter, Edward Fountain, 1874-
*Carver, Thomas Nixon, 1865-1961
Casady, Donald Rex, 1926-
Case, Elinor Rutt, 1914-
Cashman, Paul Harrison, 1924-
*Cassill, Ronald Verlin, 1919- [P]
Cathcart, Mildred Dooley, 1907-
Catich, Edward Michael, 1907-1979
*Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947
Chaffee, Allen
Chamberlain, Izanna L., 1854-1940
Chamberlin, Clarence Duncan, 1893-1976
*Chamberlin, John Gordon, 1914- [O]
*Chamness, Ida Roiseland, 1867-1952
Chandler, George, 1856-1927
Chapel, Charles Edward, 1904-1967
Chappell, Lois Beebee Ridgley
Chapin, Asahel, 1846-1922
Chapin, Gertrude Esther, 1881-
Chapin, Lon F., 1862-
Chapler, Elinor Groh, 1910-
Chapman, Charles Wesley, 1894-1918
Chapman, Mike
Chapple, Joseph Mitchell, 1867-1950
Charles, Mabel Grace Munns, 1881-1940
Chase, Robert David. See: Gorman, Ed
Chateauvert, Melinda
*Cheever, Lawrence Oakley, 1907-1974
Chehak, Susan Taylor
Chilcote, Jane A., 1828-1901
Childs, Chandler C.
*Childs, Marquis William, 1903-1990 [O/I/P]
Chinitz, Trena, 1928-
Chinn, Laurene Chambers, 1902-
Christensen, Thomas Peter, 1880-
*Christie, Caroline Mabry, 1887-
Cintron, Alice Ruth
Claassen, Harold, 1905-
*Clampitt, Amy Kathleen, 1920-1994 [O]
Clampitt, Frank T., 1860-
Clappison, Gladys Bonner
Clark, Charles Badger, 1883-1957
Clark, Dan Elbert, 1884-1956
Clark, Dorothy Gahring, 1900-
Clark, Dorothy Park, 1899-
Clark, Edna, 1912-
Clark, Ford, 1931-1980
*Clark, Glenn, 1882-
Clark, Jerry E.
Clark, Samuel M., 1842-1900
Clarke, Charles F., 1883-
Clarke, George W., 1852-1936
Clarkson, James Sullivan, 1842-1918
*Clements, Ralph Henderson, 1896-1979
Cloud, David C., 1817-1903
Coates, Belle, 1896-
Cochran, Pearl I.
Cody, William Frederick (Buffalo Bill), 1846-1917 [P]
Cofer, Elsie Mae
Coffin, William
Coffman, Dorothy Mae
Colby, Anthony Owen, 1939-
Colcord, Anna L., 1864-1950
Cole, Arrola Bush, 1900-
*Cole, Cyrenus, 1863-1939
Cole, Russell D., 1900-1962
Cole, Wayne S., 1922-
Colegrove, Kenneth, 1886-
Coleman, Merton H., 1889-
Colgrove, Chauncey Peter, 1855-1936
Collier, Ada Langworthy, 1843-
Collier, Hiram Price, 1860-1913
Collins, David R.
Collins, Martha
*Collins, Max Allan, 1946- [O/I]
Collins, Stephen
Collura, Maria Marretta, 1899-
Combs, David A.
Compton, James R., 1838-
Conard, Henry Shoemaker, 1874-1971
Conard, Rebecca
Conrad, Paul
Condit, Edgar M., 1840-
Condra, George Evert, 1869-1958
Cone, Carl Bruce, 1916-1995
Conger, Sarah Pike, 1842-
Conrad, Paul, 1924-
Conway, John Donald, 1905-
Cook, George Cram, 1873-1924. See G. Thomas Tanselle, “George Cram Cook and the Poetry of Living, with a Checklist,” from Books at Iowa 24.
Cook, Nilla Cram, 1908-
Cook, Theodore M., 1901-1975
Coomes, Oliver (“Oll”), 1845-1921
Coon, Bessie
Coover, Robert, 1932-
Corbin, William. See: McGraw, William Corbin, 1916-
Corbin, William E.
Corey, Elizabeth
*Corey, Paul, 1903-1992 [O/I/P]
Cornett, Robert Charles
Cosson, George, 1876-1963
Costello, Mary Charlotte
Cousins, Robert Gordon, 1859-1933
Cowgill, Frank Brooks, 1856-1953
Cowles, Florence M. Call, 1861-1950
Cowles, Gardner, Jr., 1903-1985
Cowles, Gardner, Sr., 1861-1946
Cowles, John, 1898-
Cowles, Russell, 1887-1979
Cowman, Eva, 1918-
Craft, David
Craig, Lois, 1920-
*Crary, Margaret, 1906-
Craven, Avery Odelle, 1885-1980
Crawford, Robert Platt, 1893-
Creger, Ralph, 1914-
Cresswell, Eva
Critchfield, Richard, 1931-1994
Cromie, Alice
Cromwell, Arthur Dayton, 1869-
Cronbaugh, Craig
Cross, Mary Bywater
*Crowell, Grace Noll, 1877-1969. See also “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Crowell, Norton B., 1914-
Culbertson, John
Culver, John C.
Cumberland, William Henry, 1929-
Cummings, Jean, 1930-
Cummins, Hester V., 1862-
Cunningham, Edith Perkins, 1873-
Currie, Dwight
Currie, Roxana, 1953-
Curtis, Alice Bertha, 1874-
Dailey, Janet
Dakken, Neville H.
Dana, Robert, 1939-
Daniel, Dorothy, 1905-
Daniels, Guy
Daniels, John, 1881-1953
Daniels, Leroy Judson, 1882-
Danielson, Ruth Watters
Darling, Frederick, 1924-
*Darling, Jay Norwood (“Ding”) 1876-1962. See MsC 170.
Darr, Ann, 1920-
Daugherty, Blanche Rapp
*Davidson, Osha Gray [O/I]
Davies, George Reginald, 1876-1967
Davis, Aldeen Jones
Davis, Anita
Davis, Hope Hale, 1903-
Davis, Kathy Randall
Davis, Luella Branson, 1890-
Davis, Oscar Ezekiel, 1872-
Davis, Raymond C., 1897-
Dawson, Grace Strickler, 1891-
Day, George E. “Bud”
Day, Richard Riggs
Dean, Graham M., 1904-1974
Dean, Lillia
DeBaca, Robert C.
Decker, Clarence Raymond, 1904-1969
Deegan, Robert W.
Deemer, Horace Emerson, 1858-1917
DeForest, Lee, 1873-1961
DeKoster, Lucas J., 1918-
Delaven, Maude Smith, 1887-
DeLespinasse, Cobie (Muyskens), 1883-
DeLong, Jim
Demijohn, Thom. See: Disch, Thomas M., 1940- and Sladek, John Thomas, 1937-
Deming, Judson Keith, 1858-1952
Deming, Richard, 1915-
Deming, W. Edwards, 1900-1993
*Dendel, Esther Sietmann Warner, 1910- [P-Warner]
Denison, John D., 1872-
Dennis, William Jefferson, 1886-1951
Denny, Harold Norman, 1889-1945
Denny, Robert R.
Depew, Walter Westerfield (Wally), 1924-
DePuy, Clifford, 1886-1973
Devine, Edward Thomas, 1867-1948
Devitt, Tiah, 1809-
Dewel, Duane Edgar, 1901-
Dickson, Margarette Ball, 1884-
Dillon, Anna Margery Price, 1835-1898
Dillon, John Forrest, 1831-1914
DiPaul, Margaret, 1914-
Disch, Thomas M., 1940-
Dixon, J.M., 1825-
Dobbs, Ella Victoria
Dodd, John Jeffrey, 1947-
Dodd, William Cilifton, 1857-1919
*Dodge, Grenville Mellen, 1831-1916
Dodge, Louis, 1870-1952
Doke, Jennifer
Dolan, John Patrick, 1923-1981
Dominick, Andie, 197[2?]-
Dondore, Dorothy Ann, 1894-1946
Donelson, Linda
Donohue, James John, 1906-
*Donovan, Josephine Barry, 1888-1984
Dorsey, John Morris, 1900-1978
Douglass, Harlan Paul, 1871-1953
Douglass, Truman Bartlett, 1901-
Douglass, Truman Orville, 1842-1925
Downer, Harry E., 1858-
Downey, Bill
*Downing, John Hyatt, 1888-1973 [O/I/P]; “J. Hyatt Downing: The Chronicle of an Era” by Anthony T. Wadden
*Downing, Robert
Dows, Sutherland Cook, 1891-1969
Drake, David
Drake, George, 1846-1918
Drees, Clara
Driftmier, Frederick Field, 1917-
Driscoll, Justin Albert, 1920-
Drury, Clifford Merrill, 1897-1984
Drury, Marion Richardson, 1849-
Drury, Tom
Ducommun, Jesse Clarence, 1904-
Duffield, George Crawford
Duffy, Sharon Lynn Monthei, 1954-
DuGan, Thomas K.
*Duncan, Actea Carolyn Young, 1913-
Duncan, Dayton
Duncan, Harry, 1916-1997
*Duncan, Thomas William, 1905-1987 [O/I/P]
Duncombe, John Francis, 1831-
Dunlap, Kate, 1837-1901
Dunnan, Nancy
Dunnington, Lewis Leroy, 1890-
Dutton, Bertha Pauline, 1903-
Dwelle, Jessie Merrill, ?-1956
Dykstra, Dirk
Dykstra, Robert Rozeboom, 1930-
Dyson, Lowell K.
Eagen, William, 1917-
*Eastman, Harold Lloyd
Eberhardt, Auleen Bordeaux, 1899-
Ebersole, Robert
Eble, Kenneth Eugene, 1923-
Edgerton, Wanda Misbach, 1905-
Edson, Willis Charles, 1874-1965
Egermeier, Elsie Emilie, 1890-
Eggers, Lolly
Eiboeck, Joseph, 1838-1913
Eicher, Hazel Mount
Eige, Lillian
Eittreim, Jean Brown, 1933-
Elder, David R., 1911-
Elder, Orville, 1866-1940
Eldred, Myrtle Meyer, 1885-
Ellerbach, John
Ellington, Frank M., 1924-
Elliott, Mabel Agnes, 1898-
Ellis, Katherine Ruth. See: Barrett, Katherine Ruth Ellis, 1879-
Elsberry, Terence, 1943-
*Elston, Hattie Phinnette, 1900-1948
Ely, Frank Argyle, 1876-1952
Ely, Henry Sturges, Jr.
Emerson, Alice B. See: Benson, Mildred Wirt, 1905-
Emerson, Oliver Farrar, 1860-1927
Emerson, Willis George, 1856-1918
Engberg, Susan
Engle, Irvin Allen
*Engle, Paul Hamilton, 1908-1991 [P]. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Ennis, Edith E., 1918-1996
Enzler, Clarence J., 1910-1976
Erbe, Carl Herman, 1896-1950
Erbe, Norman A.
Erickson, Howard
Erickson, Lori
Eriksson, Erik McKinley, 1896-1941
Errington, Paul Lester, 1902-1962
Escherich, Elsa Falk. See: Falk, Elsa, 1888-
Esstman, Barbara
Ethell, Henry C.
Etteldorf, Raymond P., 1911-
Eulberg, Sister Mary Thomas
Evans, David Allan, 1940-
Evans, Elizabeth, 1951-
Evans, Harry Carrol, 1858-1932
*Evans, Joseph Early, 1919-1971
*Evans, Mary Ellen, 1912-
Everett, Gail. See: Hale, Arlene, 1924-
Evermann, Barton Warren, 1853-1932
*Eyerly, Jeannette Hyde, 1908- [O/I]. See also her “The Lay of a Lay Librarian” from Books at Iowa.
Eyestone, John Wesley, 1837-
Fahnestock, Mary Sheridan, 1879(?)-1954
Fairall, H.H.
Fairchild, David Sturges, 1847-1930
Falk, Elsa, 1888-
Falk, Signi Lenea, 1906-1997
*Farran, Don, 1902-1986. See also his “Recollections of the Federal Theatre” from Books at Iowa 18
*Farwell, Byron, 1922- [O/I]
Fauth, Robert T., 1916-
Fearing, Lilian Blanche, 1863-1901
Feikema, Feike. See: Manfred, Frederick Feikema, 1912-1994
Feller, Robert William Andrew, 1918-
Fellows, Stephen Norris, 1830-1908
*Felsen, Henry Gregor, 1916-1995 [O/I]
Felton, Harold William, 1902- . “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Felton, William R., 1874-
Fenn, Ellen Rebecca, 1908-
*Fenton, Carroll Lane, 1900-1969 [P]. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
*Fenton, Mildred Adams, 1899-1995
Ferguson, Dorothy
Ferguson, Elizabeth (Bess), 1897-
Ferguson, John B.
Ferguson, Thompson B., 1857-1921
Ferguson, William Ricketts, 1917-
Ferm, Vergilius Ture Anselm, 1896-1974
Fernandez-Azabal, Lilie Bouton De (Countess Nostitz)
Ferreter, Edward
Fetters, Patty Lou
Feulner, Floyd H.
*Ficke, Arthur Davison, 1883-1945 [P]. See also “Twins in My Cradle: Arthur Davison Ficke, Iowa Poet” by William H. Roba.
Ficke, Charles August, 1850-1931
Field, Archelaus G., 1829-
Field, Elsie Kimmell
Field, Jessie, 1881-1971
Field, John L., 1910-
Filipowska, Patricia, 1924-1993
Finch, Charles W., 1918-
Finegan, Jack, 1908-
Finn, Mike
Fischer, Helen Field
Fisher, Kathy
Fisher, Lawrence V., 1923-
Fisher, Oneita
Fisher, Ronald M.
Fisher, Scott M., 1952-
Fitzgerald, John, 1920-
Flaherty, Ray W., 1897-
Flannery, Agnes Veronica, 1879-
Fleisher, Siegel, 1914-
Fleming, Andrew Magnus, 1868-
Fletcher, Robert Henry, 1885-1972
Flood, M. See: Downing, John Hyatt, 1888-1973
Floyd, Don Edgar, 1918-
Flugum, Charles T., 1905-
Foley, Douglas E.
Ford, Elizabeth Smith, 1895-1944
Forsee, Corinne, 1892-1969
Forys, Marsha, 1949-
Foster, George McClelland, 1913-
Foster, Helen Sherwood, 1912-
Foster, Jake. See: Gorman, Ed
Foster, Martha Standing
Foster, Mary Frazer LeCron, 1914-
Foster, Thomas Henry, 1875-1951
Fowler, Veronica Lorson
Fox, Lyal LeClair
Franchere, Ruth Catlin
Francis, Dorothy Brenner, 1926-
Franklin, Max. See: Deming,Richard, 1915-
Frantz, Andrea Breemer, 1964-
Franzen, Charles
Franzwa, Gregory M.
Frazee, George, 1821-1904
Frazer, George Ensfield, 1889-
*Frederick, John Towner, 1893-1975 [O/I]; “The Achievement of John T. Frederick” by Sargent Bush, Jr.
Freed, David A.
*French, Alice, (i.e., Octave Thanet) 1850-1934. See also “Alice French’s View of Women” by Susan C. McQuin
French, Myrtle I.
Fretheim, Terence Erling, 1936-
Frisbie, Alvah Lillie, 1830-1917
Fry, Jack
Fugate, Francis Lyle, 1915-
Fuhrmann, Joseph, 1851-1937
Fulton, Charles Jacobs, 1860-1937
Funk, Abraham B., 1854-
Gabbert, Dean
Gable, Dan
Gabriel, Charles H., 1856-1932
Gabrielson, Ira Noel, 1889-1977
Gale, Robert L., 1919-
Galer, Robert Sherman, 1863-
Gallagher, John P., 1862-
Gallaher, Ruth Augusta, 1882-1965
Galland, Isaac, 1790-1858
Gallner, Sheldon Mark, 1949-
Gallup, George Horace, 1901-1984
Galvin, Silas Jackson, 1878-1960
Gammack, Gordon
Gammell, Stephen, 1943-
Gaps, John, III
Gannon, Bernadette Sievers
Gard, Wayne
Gardner, Abigail. See: Sharp, Abigail Gardner, 1843-1921
Gardner, William, 1861-
Garfield, Viola Edmundson, 1899-
*Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940
Garland, Margaret Wolff
*Garlock, Dorothy, 1922-
Garrett, Evan
Garrison, Jim, 1921-1992
Garrison, Raymond E.
Garst, Jonathan
Garst, Rachel
Garst, Roswell, 1890-1977
*Garwood, Darrell, 1909-
Gates, John Alexander, 1898-
Gausted, Edwin Scott, 1923-
*Gavitt, Benjamin H., 1864-
*Gearhart, Susan Merriam, 1876-1961
Gehry, Lehry. See: Geringer, Lauren R.
Gensicke, Mary Ann
George, Wilfred R.
Gerard, Cindy Adams, 1948-
Geringer, Lauren R., 1908-1992
Gerould, Winifred Gregory, 1885-
Gerstenberger, John W., 1889-
Gesme, Ann Urness
Giddens, Paul Henry, 1903-
Giese, Henry, 1890-
Giesler, Jerry (Harold Lee), 1885-1962
Gifford, Thomas
Gift, Mary C., 1921-
Gilchrist, Ann
Gillette, Mike
Gilson, Roy Rolfe, 1875-1933
Gingerich, John W., 1898-
Gingerich, Mary Amy, 1908-
*Gingerich, Melvin, 1902-1975
Gingerich, Owen Jay, 1930-
Gingerich, Solomon Francis, 1875-
Gish, Robert F.
Given, Welker, 1853-
Glaspell, Kate Eldridge
Glaspell, Susan, 1882-1948 [P]
Glass, Remley J.
Gleason, Daniel Patrick, 1945-
Glenn, Gene W., 1928-
Glenn, George D.
*Glick, Carl, 1890-1971 [P]
Glick, Evelyn. See: Harter, Evelyn, 1903-
Goldberg, Louis S., 1897-
Gonner, Nicholas
Goodwin, Harry Eugene
*Gorman, Carol Maxwell [O/I]
*Gorman, Ed [O/I]
Gorrell, Joseph R., 1835-
Gorton, Dick
Gosselink, Sara Elizabeth, 1893-
*Gould, (Charles) Bruce, 1898-1989
Goulet, John
Govern, Elaine R.
Gowan, Donald E., 1929-
Graf, William
*Graham, Alberta Powell, 1875-1955. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Graham, Frances Ruth
*Graham, Manta Shellenberger, 1883-
Graham, Margaret Collier, 1850-1910
Graham, William Alexander, 1875-1954
Grant, H. Roger
Gravengaard, Hans Peter, 1896-
Green, Edwin. See: Dean, Graham M., 1904-
Green, Harry H., 1839-
Green, Ruth Hurmence, 1915-
Greenleaf, Stephen
Greenlee, Sharon
Greenwalt, Leonidas Loronzo, 1864-
Gregory, Allen, 1893[?]-1985
Gregory, Clifford Verne, 1883-1941
Gremmels, Marion Chapman
Grieder, Hilda Marie, 1892-
Griffith, Helen Sherman, 1873-
Griffith, Jeanette. See: Eyerly, Jeannette Hyde, 1908- and Griffith, Valeria Winkler
Griffith, Valeria Winkler
Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell, 1821-1891
Griswold, Larry
Groomes, Ed
Groomes, Franklin
Grow, Loretto M., ?-1971
Gruhn, Carrie E. Myers, 1907-
Gruhn, Gene R., 1933-
Gue, Belle Willey, 1860-
Gue, Benjamin F., 1828-1904
Guiles, Fred Lawrence, 1922-
Guise, Edith Farber, 1877-
Guntrum, Suzanne Sims
Gustafson, Alrik, 1903-
Gustafson, Anita
Gustavson, Carl Gustav, 1915-
Guthrie, Irma, 1889-1969(?)
Guthrie, Joseph Edward, 1871-1935
Gwynne, John Williams, 1889-1972
Haberly, Loyd, 1896-1981 [P], Jay Satterfield, “Loyd Haberly, Poet and Printer” from Books at Iowa 58.
Haddock, William John, 1832-1906
Hadley, Lee, 1934-
Hadley, Mattie Marshall
Hahn, Harlan Dean, 1939-
Hahn, Opal Robertson
*Haines, William Wister, 1908- [P]
Hake, Herbert Victor, 1903-1980
*Hale, Arlene, 1924-1982
Halford, Francis John, 1902-1953
Hall, Dick Wick, ?-1926
*Hall, James Norman, 1887-1951 [O/P]. “James Norman Hall: Past, Present and Future” by Robert Roulston.
*Hall, Lynn, 1937-
Hallam, Julia Clark
Haman, Ray C.
Hamann, Lorin
Hamblin, Dora Jane, 1920-1993
Hamilton, Carl, 1914-1991
Hamilton, David E.
Hammand, Esther Barstow, 1879-
Hammand, Orville Adelbert, 1874-1949
Hammer, David L., 1929-
Hammond, Mac
Hancher, Virgil M.
Hanford, Cornelius Holgate, 1849-
Hanft, Ethel W., 1911-
Hankins, Arthur Preston, 1880-
Hanley, Peter J., 1864-1925
Hansen, Harry, 1884-1977 [P], William Roba, “Harry Hansen’s Literary Career” from Books at Iowa 35
Hansen, Marcus Lee, 1892-1938
Hanson, Eugene Kenneth, 1930-
Hanson, F. Allan, 1939-
Hanson, Gina Josephine, 1886-
Harbaugh, Janice M.
Harbert, Elizabeth Morrison Boynton, 1845-
Harbour, Jefferson Lee, 1857-1931
Hardy, Maria Kienzle, 1905-
Hargrave, Leonie. See: Disch, Thomas M., 1940-
Hargreaves, Walter
Harjehausen, Arnold E.
Harkin, Tom
Harl, Neil E., 1934-
Harlan, Edgar Rubey, 1869-1941
Harling, Icey Lenora Teel. See: Teel, Icey Lenora, 1878-1964
*Harnack, Curtis Arthur, 1927- [P]
Harold, John Winslow
Harper, Floyd S.
Harrington, Kate. See: Pollard, Rebecca Smith, 1831-1917
Harrison, Harry P., 1878-1968
Harrison, John Marshall, 1914-1999
Harrison, John Raymond, 1902-
Harrold, James
*Harshbarger, Gretchen Fischer, 1906-1989
Harshbarger, Karl
Harstad, Donald
Hart, Irving Harlow, 1877-
Hart, Mary Alice, 1911-
Hart, William H., 1859-
*Harter, Evelyn, 1903-1990. See also her “The Life or the Work” in Books at Iowa 41.
Harter, Lafayette George, Jr., 1918-
Hartman, Charles O., 1949-
Harwood, Willard Dean, 1933-
Harwood, William Sumner, 1857-1908
Haselmayer, Louis A., 1911-1998
Hastie, Eugene N.
Hastings, Phillip R., 1925-1987
Hatch, James V., 1928-
Hathaway, Esse Virginia, 1875-
Hathaway, Dennis
Haugen, Karl F.
Hawkins, Cora Frear, 1887-
Hawley, Carrie Moss, 1860-
Hawn, C.A., 1837-
Hawthorn, Fred W., 1893-
Hawthorn, Horace Boies, 1889-
Hayden, Dennis W., 1950-
Haynes, Frederick Emory, 1868-1958
Haynes, Max
Hayworth, Don, 1898-
Hazen, Helen. See: Ryan, Helen
Healy, Richard J., 1916-
*Hearst, James, 1900-1983 [P]
Heath, May A.
Hebard, Grace Raymond, 1861-1936
Heckert, Connie K.
Hedgeman, Anna Arnold, 1899-
Hedges, Margaret A.
Hedges, Peter
Hedrick, Ulysses Prentiss, 1870-1951
*Heggen, Thomas Orlo, 1919-1949.
Heimarck, Theodore, 1906-
Hein, Ruth D.
Heitland, Jon
Held, Shirley E., 1923-
Helgens, Sharon
Helmer, William J.
Hemenway, C. Willard
Hemesath, Sister Caroline
Hempstead, Junius Lackland, 1842-
Henderson, John William, 1910-
Henderson, Joseph
Henderson, Randall, 1888-
Henely, Louise Miller, 1873-1950
Henkels, Joseph, Rev.
Henning, Lindsey
Henning, William Edwin, 1911-
Hennings, Chad
Henry, George
*Henry, John M., 1895-1981
Henry, Josephine
Henry, Lyell D.
*Herbst, Josephine, 1892-1969 [P]
Herbster, Anna Lolita Steele
Herger, G. Michael
Herman, Irving
Herriott, Frank Irving, 1868-1941
Herrmann, Richard, 1849-
Herron, Francis William, 1913-1978
Hershberger, Guy Franklin, 1896-
Hershey, H. Garland
Hertzler, Arthur Emanuel, 1870-1946
Hess, Harvey,
Hexom, Charles Philip, 1884-
Heyberger, Anna, 1874-1952
Heynen, Jim, 1940-
Heywood, Anne Reid, 1913(?)-
Hibbs, Ralph Emerson
Hickenlooper, Bourke Blakemore, 1896-1971
Hickenlooper, Frank
Hickman, Charles Addison, 1916-
Hickman, Maude Hicks, 1886-
Hickman, Stephanie Jean, 1957-
Hickman, Vivian Elaine Tuttle, 1920-
Hickok, Eliza Merrill Kesler, 1909-
Hicks, Clifford B., 1920-
Hiemstra, Marvin R.
Hill, Earl Scott, 1896-1976
Hill, James L., 1848-
Hilleary, Julius
Hillis, Newell Dwight, 1858-1929
Hinkhouse, John Frederick, 1859-
Hinkle, Ernie
Hinkley, Laura L., 1875-1949
Hinsenbrock, Vicky L.
Hinshaw, William Wade, 1867-1947
Hirons, Edna Pinkerton, 1909-
Hirsch, Arthur Henry, 1878-
Hirst, Wilma Ellis, 1914-
Hitch, David F., 1941-
Hoag, Tami
Hoegh, Leo Arthur, 1908-
*Hoeltje, Hubert H., 1898-1968
Hoeven, Charles Bernard, 1895-1980
Hoeven, Valarie Opal White
Hoff, Marilyn, 1942-
Hoffman, Himena V., 1889-1976
*Hoffman, Mathias Martin, 1889-1961
Hoffman, Phil, 1868-1953
Hofsommer, Don L.
Hogan, Michael J., 1943-
Hogan, Walter
Hogle, Roger M., 1934-
Hogrefe, Pearl, 1889-1977
Hogue, Richard F.
Hokanson, Drake
Hokanson, Wilmer
Holbrook, John C., 1808-
Holdefer, Charles
Holl, Kristi D., 1951-
Holland, Sister Mary Ildephonse, 1884-
Holland, Stephen Thomas
Holm, Eleanor
*Holmes, Marjorie (Mrs. Lynn Mighell), 1910-
Holst, Bernhart Paul
Holt, Bertha, 1904-2000
Holub, Terry
Homrighausen, Elmer George, 1900-1982
Honce, Charles E., 1895-1975
Hood, Martha Stewart, 1874
Hooker, Dolph Earl, 1883-
Hoover, Herbert Clark, 1874-1964 [P]
Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, 1890-1946
Hopson, Mary Louise
*Horn, Madeline Darrough, 1888-1978. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Horner, Chuck
Horsfall, Robert Bruce, 1868-1948
Horton, Loren N.
Horton, Raymond D., 1940-
Hoskinson, Rob
Hospers, John, Jr., 1918-
Hotle, Charles C., 1915-
*Hough, Emerson, 1857-1923 [P]. “Emerson Hough’s American West” by Carole M. Johnson
Houghton, Dorothy Deemer, 1890-1972
Houlette, William Dale, 1899-
Hovden, George Johnson, ?-1905(?)
Hovet, Theodore R.
*Howard, Guy, 1891-
Howard, Joseph Kinsey, 1906-1951
Howard, Mary
Howard, Robert, 1905-1989
Hoxie, Ralph Gordon, 1919-
Hoyt, Eleanor. See: Brainerd, Eleanor Holt, 1868-1942
Hoyt, Elizabeth Ellis, 1893-
Hrbek, Jeffrey Dolezal, 1882-1907
Hubbard, Joseph Welton, 1827-1907
Hudson, Lillian Row, 1860-
Hueston, Ethel Powelson, 1887-
Huff, Darrell, 1913-
Huff, Randall
Hughes, Harold Everett, 1922-1996
Hughes, John Newton
*Hughes, Rupert, 1872-1956; “The Literary Legacy of Rupert Hughes” by James O. Kemm
Huglin, Ida Emelia, 1882-
Hull, LaVerne Keetel, 1907-
Hull, Moses, 1835-1902
Humphrey, James, 1939-
Humphreys, Aletha, 1897-
*Hunn, L. E. “Jack”, 1905-
Hunt, Kellogg Wesley, 1912-
Hunter, Dan
Hunter, Gurney Floss, 1888-
Hunter, Helen, 1939-
Hunting, Ema Suckow, 1885-1923
Huntington, William Chapin, 1884-1958
Huntress, Keith, 1913-
Hurlburt, Rollo Franklin, 1860-1943
Hussey, Tacitus, 1833-
Hutchens, Jane, 1901-
Hutchens, Paul, 1902-
Huyck, Peter, 1940-
Hyndman, Olan R., 1899-
Ide, Arthur Frederick
Iknayan, Marguerite May 1917-1986
Iliff, Flora Gregg
Ingham, Harvey, 1858-1949
Ingham, William Harvey, 1827-1914
Irelan, Patrick, 1943-
Irish, John Powell, 1843-1923
Irwin, Annabelle, 1915-1998
Irwin, Constance, 1913-1995
Isely, Helen Sue, 1917-
Ivins, Virginia Wilcox, 1832-
Jablonski, Martha
Jack, Walter Thomas, 1891-
Jack, Zachary Michael, 1973-
Jackson, Donald Dean, 1919-1987
Jackson, Jacob Hugh, 1891-1962
Jacobson, Angeline
Jacobson, Ben B., 1894-
Jahr, Arnold H., 1914-
Jakobsen, Janet R., 1960-
James, Ben, 1897-
James, Ellen Biles, 1877-
Jamison, William G., 1923-
Jenkins, Richard Leas, 1903-
Jenkinson, Golda Leighton
Jens, Arlene Johnson, 1926-
Jensen, Mary
Jensen, Merrill Monroe, 1905-1980
Jepsen, Dee
Jepsen, Laura Pauline, 1907-
Jerome, Ferris. See: Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz, 1846-1906
Jersild, Arthur Thomas, 1902-
Jessop, Mary Slavata
Johnson, Ava L., 1894-
Johnson, Curtis Lee, 1928-
Johnson, David Gale, 1916-
*Johnson, Dorothy Marie, 1905-1984 [O]
Johnson, Edna
Johnson, Harold L., 1924-
Johnson, Jack Thomas, 1915-
Johnson, Nicholas, 1934-
Johnson, Oliver S.
Johnson, Shirley King, 1927-
Johnson, Wolcott. See: Brigham, Johnson, 1846-1936
Johnston, Edward R.
Jones, Alan
Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz, 1846-1906
Jones, Charles L.
Jones, Samuel Calvin, 1838-
Jones, Thomas Lamarr. See: LaMarr, Thomas, 1955-
Jordan, Philip Dillon, 1903-1980
*Jorgenson, George Ellington, 1889-
*Jorgenson, Nora B. Erickson, 1890-
Judd, Frances K.: Benson See, Mildred Wirt, 1905-
Judd, Francis Emerson, 1827-1902
Juhnke, Eric S.
Juline, Ruth Bishop, 1900-
Jumper, Will C.
Junkin, Paul S., 1867-
Jurgemeyer, Louis LeRoy, 1918-1980
Kahmann, Mable Chesley, 1901-
Kahn, Robert Irving, 1910-
Kaiser, Elsie Baker
Kampmeier, Otto Frederic, 1888-
Kann, Jean Marie, 1898-
Kantor, Joseph Arthur, 1945-
*Kantor, MacKinlay, 1904-1977 [O/I/P]
Kapayou, Everett, 1935-
Kash, Don E., 1934-
Kasten, Kate
Katz, Robert L., 1917-
*Kauffman, Ray Franklin, 1905-
Keene, Carolyn. See: Benson, Mildred Wirt, 1905-
Keir, Leota Harris, 1920-
Keith, Juanita Orton
Kelce, George H., 1901-
Kelly, Henry Ansgar, 1934-
*Kelm, Karlton, 1908-1987 [O/I]
Kelsey, Carl, 1870-1953
Kemble, John Haskell, 1912-1990
Kemmerer, John, 1901-
Kemmerer, Mabel Clare Williams, 1878-1981
*Kemp, Charles F., 1912-
Kemp, Polly
Kempker, John Francis, 1848-1924
Kendall, Nathan E., 1868-
Kennedy, Edward Eugene, 1894-
Kennedy, Sam, 1883-1969
Kent, Corita, 1918-1986
Kent, Frederick Wallace, 1894-1984
Kent, Jack, 1920-
Kent, Karen
*Kentfield, Calvin, 1924-1975 [P]
Kepler, Thomas Samuel, 1897-
Kern, Jean B.
Kerr, Robert
Kerr, Wesley B, ?-1927
Kersten, Herbert H.
Key, Donald, 1923-
Keyes, Charles Rollin, 1864-1942
Keyes, Margaret Naumann, 1918-
Keyhoe, Donald Edward, 1897-
Kielkopf, Mike, 1950-
Kimball, Donald L., 1933-
Kimm, Virgie
King, Albion Roy, 1895
King, Thomas
King, William Fletcher, 1830-1921
Kinneer, Dolores, 1918-
Kinney, Jean Brown, 1912-
Kinsburn, Emart. See: Hankins, Arthur Preston, 1880-1932
Kinseth, Lance, 1947-
Kinsley, Charles
Kirkpatrick, Inez Evelyn Hively, 1900-
Kirkpatrick, Sanford K., 1842-1932
Kirkwood, Richard L.
Kissane, Leedice McAnelly, 1905-
Kissick, Robert, 1843-1917
Kittinger, Marjorie J. Wheeler
Kjome, June Creola, 1920-
Klass, Philip J., 1919-
Klass, Rosanne
Klaus, Carl H.
Klinck, Richard E., 1927-
Kling, Marlyce
Klinkenborg, Verlyn, 1952-
*Kluckhohn, Clyde, 1905-1960 [P]
Knease, Tacie Mary, 1889-1986
Knight, Daniel L.
Knox, Florence Clay
Knudson, George Ellert, 1915-1977
Knutson, Kent S., 1924-1973
Koerner, James D., 1923-
Koerselman, Gary H., d.1988
Kohl, Dorothy Clementine Phillips
Koob, Kathryn, 1938-
*Koop, Theodore Frederic, 1907-1988 [O]
Kooser, Ted, 1939-
Koren, Else Elisabeth Hysing, 1832-1918
Kottman, Richard Norman, 1932-
Kouba, Theodore Frank, 1902-
Kozuszek, Jane Eyerly
*Kramer, Dale, 1911-1966 [P]
Kreiter, David
Kremenak, Nellie W., 1934-
Kresensky, Raymond Joseph, 1897-1955
Krog, Carl E., 1936-
Krogman, Joe
Kruse, Brenda
Kruse, Len
Kubicek, Theodore L., 1919-
Kudart, Arthur R.
Kuehl, John Richard, 1928-
Kuster, Elizabeth
Kwasky, Albert
Lacey, John Fletcher, 1841-1913
Lacey, Margaret
LaDow, Lottie Clifton
*Lafferty, Raphael Aloysius, 1914-
Lagomarcino, Virgil
*Laird, Charlton Grant, 1901-1984 [P]
Lake, Joe Barry, 1909-1961
Lalor, Francis Richard, 1939-
LaMarr, Thomas, 1955-
Lamb, Dick, 1928-1971
Lambert, Byron James, 1874-1952
Lambertson, Marilyn Hempy, 1947-
Lamphier, Mary Jane, 1938-
Lamson, Byron Samuel, 1901-
Lamson, Ward, 1820-1904
Landers, Ann. See: Lederer, Esther Pauline Friedman, 1918-
Landon, Donald D., 1930-
Lane, George Sherman, 1902-
Lane, Ortha May, 1894-
Langland, Joseph Thomas, 1917-
Langley, Adria Locke
Langworthy, Lucius Hart, 1807-1865
Lapham, Robert B., 1917-
Larew, James C.
Larrabee, William, 1832-1911
Larsen, Anita
Larsen, Beverly Namen, 1929-
Larsen, Erling
Larsen, Hanna Astrup, 1873-1945
Larsen, Karen, 1879-
Larson, Carl H.
Larson, Christian Daa
Larson, Jean Russell, 1930-
*Latchaw, Truly Trousdale, 1914-
Lathrop, Amy Lorene Stiers, 1878-
Lathrop, Henry Warren, 1819-1902
Laughlin, Elsie M., 1887-
Laurance, Charles A., 1855-
Lauro, Shirley Mezvinsky
Laylander, Orange Judd, 1858-1948
Lazell, Frederick John, 1870-1940
Lea, Albert Miller, 1807-1890
Leabo, Dick A.
Leaf, VaDonna Jean, 1929-
*Leahy, William Daniel, 1875-1959
Leavitt, Roger
LeCron, Helen Cowles, 1886-1963
Ledbetter, Letha Witten, 1895-1974
Lederer, Esther Pauline Friedman, 1918-
Lee, Frank W., ?-1897
Lee, Henry Washington, 1815-1874
Lee, Robert Edson, 1921-
Leedham, Charles Gearhart, 1926-
Leffingwell, William Bruce, 1850-
Lehman, Dale, 1920-
Lehmer, Larry, 1945-
Leinhauser, Ruth Daggett, 1901-1988
Leistikow, Chad
*Lemberger, LeAnn (writing as “Leigh Michaels), 1954- [O/I]
Lemberger, Michael W.
Leonard, Levi O., 1854-1942
Leonard, Michael D.
Leonardo, James S.
Leopold, Aldo, 1886-1948
Leopold, Aldo Starker, 1913-1983
Leslie, Amy. See: Buck, Lillie West Brown, 1860-
LeSueur, Meridel, 1900-1996 [P]. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Lewis, Faye Cashatt, 1896-
Lewis, George Henry, 1842-1913
Lewis, Ida Belle, 1887-
Ley, Murray Hickey, ?-1976
Lidd, Thomas
Lien, David A., 1934-
Liffring-Zug, Joan, 1929-
Liljenquist, Don
Lillios, Anna
Lindaman, Edward Benjamin, 1920-
Lindsay, Sarah, 1958-
Link, Alphonse M., 1900-
Linkletter, Charles Montague (Monte)
Littler, Nathan, 1825-1888
Locke, Roscoe Janvrin, 1877-
Lockhart, Earl Granger, 1879-1946
Lockwood, Myna
*Loeser, Katinka, 1913-1991 [O]
Loetscher, Lefferts Augustine, 1904-
Logan, Belle V., 1864-1957
Logan, Carolyn
Logan, John Burton, 1923-1988
Logan, William
Lomas, Thomas John, 1840-1925
Long, Barbara Beving
Long, Joseph Schuyler, 1869-1933
Long, Laurence L., 1907-
Long, Robert Paul
Longley, Ralph L., 1892-
Looker, Dan
Loos, Karl Dickson, 1891-
Lory, Hillis, 1900-
Lott, Arnold Samuel, 1912-
Love, Kathryn E., 1909-
Lovoos, Janice
Lucas, Corydon L., 1838-
Lucas, Robert, 1781-1853
Lucas, William Vincent, 1835-1921
Lucke, Susan
Luckey, Marge
Luckiesh, Matthew, 1883-
Luick-Thrams, Michael, 1962-
Luke, Lou Mallory, 1880-1940
Lunden, Walter A., 1899-
Lunsford, Alvira E., 1907-
Luschei, Glenna Berry, 1934-
Lutz, Jerry Wayne
Lyman, Lynden
Lynds, Gayle
Lyon, Bessie L.
Lyon, Marguerite Orrena, 1892-
Lyon, Randolph
McAulay, Neal A., 1854-
MacBean, Dilla Whittemore
Macbride, Thomas Huston, 1848-1934
McCabe, Olivia
McCabe, Victoria, 1948-
McCahill, Bob
McCall, Edith Sansom, 1911-
McCarty, Dwight Gaylord, 1878-1974
McCarty, Rega Kramer, 1904-
McClain, Alva J., 1888-1968
McClean, Clara
McCleary, Charles Warner, 1867-1903
McCleery, Hugh H., 1872-1946
*McClurg, William Harrison, 1910-
McCormick, Mark, 1933-
McCown, Alfred Brown, 1840-1929
McCown, Robert Arthur, 1939-
McCoy, Maureen Ellen
McCoy, Samuel Duff, 1882-1964
McCracken, Paul Winston, 1915-
McCracken,Sylvia, 1899-1968
McDaniel, George William
McDermott, Sister Maria Concepta, 1913-
*McDonald, Julie Jensen, 1929-
McDonnell, Jane, BVM, 1921-
McDowell, Margaret B.
McElderry, Bruce Robert, Jr., 1900-1970
McElroy, I. Erwin, 1877-
McElroy, John McConnell, 1830-1908
McElwain, David William
McEwen, Inez Puckett, 1904-
McFee, Inez Nellie Canfield, 1879-
McGee, William John, 1853-1912
McGraw, William Corbin, 1916-
*McGuire, Frances Lynch, 1869-1947
*McHale, Tom, 1902-
*McInerney, Ted (Carl Raymond), 1906-
McJimsey, Harriett Tilden, 1902-
McKibben, Timothy, 1947-1968
McKibbin, Alma Estelle Baker, 1871-1974
McKinley, John Austin, 1900-
McKinley, Philip Myerly, 1855-
McKusick, Marshall
McLain, Ruth Leith
MacLean, Norman, 1902-1990
McLennan, Will. See: Gorman, Ed
MacMartin, Faye Brice 1889(?)-
McMeeckin, Clark. See: Clark, Dorothy Park, 1899-
McMillen, Ardee Wayne, 1896-
McMurray, George R.
McNeely, Marian Hurd, 1877-1930
McNeely, Sylvia, 1920-
MacNider, Hanford, 1889-1968
McNutt, George W., 1859-
McPartland, Philip E., 1903-
McPherson, Smith, 1848-1915
MacRae, Donald Evans, 1907-
McSpaden, F. James
McVicker, James Rufus, 1876-
McWilliams, Margaret E., 1929-
Machia, James Thomas, 1932-
Macy, Jesse, 1842-1919
Madson, John
Magaret, Helene
Magarrell, Elaine
*Mahan, Bruce Ellis, 1890-1972
Maher, Robert F., 1922-
Main, John Hanson Thomas, 1859-1931
Manfred, Frederick Feikema, 1912-1994 [P]. See also “Frederick Manfred: The Quest of the Independent Writer” by Delbert E. Wylder
Mangold, George Benjamin, 1876-
Manley, Paula J. Darnell, 1948-
Mann, Margaret, 1873-1960
Mansheim, Gerald
Maris, Sister Stella (Alice Gustava Smith), 1899-
Markey, Joseph Ignacious
Markman, Sherwin, 1929-
Marks, Nell Stoner
Marlowe, Kenneth, 1926-
Marolf, Louis Carl, 1883-1939
Marshall, Cecil Freeman, 1896-
Martens, Lucile Spencer
Martin, Gloria A.
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Martin, Junius Morland, 1860-1952
*Martin, Robert Bernard, 1918-
Mason, Charles, 1804-1882
Mason, Dora Eaton
Mason, Edward Sagendorph, 1899-
Mast, Isaac Newton, 1844-1914
Maxwell, Brent, 1957-
Maxwell, Elsa, 1883-1963
Maxwell, Ruth E. Fortney
May, Celeste, 1850-
*May, Charles Paul, 1920-
May, Stella Burke
Mayer-Oakes, William James, 1923-
Mayo, Edward Leslie, 1904-197
*Maytag, Fred L., II
Meacham, Lotta Allen, 1875-
Meads, Gladys Hultz
Means, Marianne Hansen, 1934-
*Medary, Marjorie, 1890-
Meeks, Esther MacBain, 1920-
*Meigs, Cornelia Lynde, 1884-1973. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Melchert, Norman Paul, 1933-
Melendy, Peter, 1823-1901
Mendelson, Wallace, 1911-
Mennenga, Jay
Menster, William J., 1913-
Merriam, Charles Edward, 1874-1953
Merritt, Margaret Ellen Henderson, 1925-
Messerly, Lila
Meyer, Bernard F., 1891-1975
Meyer, Duane Gilbert, 1926-
Meyer, Eleanor Walsh, 192[3?]
Meyer, Erika, 1904-
Meyer, Margaret
Meyer, Steve
Mezvinsky, Edward, 1937-
Mezvinsky, Shirley Shapiro, 1936-
Michaels, Leigh. See: Lemberger, LeAnn
Middleton, William D., 1928-
Mighell, Mrs. Lynn. See: Holmes, Marjorie, 1910-
Mikesell, Ray McKinley, 1897-1969
Miller, Charles
Miller, Clara Bernice, 1925-
Miller, David Jon, 1940-
Miller, Eleanora, 1916-
*Miller, Frank Andrea, 1926-1983
Miller, Glenn Russell, 1902-
Miller, Harlan, 1899-1968
Miller, Harold Blaine, 1903-
Miller, Helen Knapp Markley, 1909-
Miller, Louis L., 1886-
Miller, Mark
*Miller, Merle D., 1919-1986 [I/P]
Miller, Nellie Burget, 1875-
Miller, Samuel Freeman, 1816-1890
Millhiser, Marlys
Millhone, Margaret Griffith, 1896-
Mills, George S.
Mills, Georgia
Minear, Paul Sevier, 1906-
Miner, Lewis S., 1909-
Minor, Pearl, 1903-
Mitchell, Gilbert Chris Russell, 1803-1865
*Moeller, Dorothy Ellen Wilson, 1902-1995
Moeller, Helen, 1921-
Moeller, Hubert L.
Moen, Rueben O., 1892-
Moffitt, Alexander, 1902-
Mohler, Charles, 1913-
Mohler, Clare Persons
Mohr, Howard, 1939-
Mollenhoff, Clark Raymond, 1912-1991
Montgomery, Helen, 1899-
Moore, Russell Franklin, 1920-
Moore, Virginia Blanck, 1915-
Moorehead, Giles C., 1856-1944
Moorhead, Frank Graham, 1876-
Morain, Thomas J., 1947-
Morice, David
Morley, Margaret Warner, 1858-1923
Morrill, Donald
Morris, Robert V.
Morrison, Edna Bacon, 1891-
Morrison, James Frederic, 1937-
*Morrison, Velma Ford, 1909- [O/I]
Morrow, Honore (McCue) Willsie, 1880-1940 [P]
Morse, George. See: Dean, Graham M., 1904-
Mort, Vivian. See: Cromie, Alice
Moser, Reta Carol, 1936-
Mosher, Martin Luther, 1882-1982
*Mossman, Steven Dow, 1943-
Mott, David C.
*Mott, Frank Luther, 1886-1964 [P]
Mott, John Raleigh, 1865-1955
Mousel, Sister Mary Eunice, 1896-
Mowers, Georgia DeMocker, 1907-
Mowery, Betty Chezum
*Muehl, Lois Baker, 1920-
Muhm, Don
Mulford, Pauline, 1909-
Mullen, Peg, 1917-
Mullins, James L., 1949-
Mullong, Charles Robert, 1884-
Multhauf, Robert P.
Murphy, Dolores Avelleyra
Murphy, Michelle
Murphy, Thomas Dowler, 1866-1928
Murray, Charles
*Murray, Frederick Gray, 1874-
*Murray Janette Stevenson, 1875-1967
Murray, John C., 1868-
Murray, Ralph LaVerne, 1921-
Murray, Ray
Muse, Will F.
Musgrove, Jack Warren, 1914-1980
Musgrove, Mary Elaine Roberts, 1916-
Mutel, Cornelia F.
Myers, Harriet Williams, 1867-
Myron, Vicki
Nash, Edwin A., 1875-
Nass, Martin E.
Natte, Roger
Nattress, LeRoy
Natvig, Kendall S.
Naylor, Harlan H., 1915-
Needles, Robert Johnson, 1903-
Nees, Susan
Negus, Kenneth, 1927-
Neidig, William Jonathan, 1870-1955
Nelson, Bettina I., 1904-
Nelson, David T., 1891-1969
*Nelson, Evelyn
Ness, Zenobia Ernestine Brumbaugh, ?-1943
Neufeld, John
Nevai, Lucia
Nevin, Evelyn C., 1910-
Newbold, Joshua G., 1830-
Newborn, Sasha. See: Miller, David Jon
Newell, Steven Wayne
Newhall, John B., ?-1849
Newhouse, Lehr, 1881-
Newton, Edith McCreary
Nicholas, William Hall, 1892-
Nichols, Ira Alfred, 1869-
Nichols, James Thomas, 1865-1953
Nielsen, Alfred C., 1889-
Nielsen, Thomas Miller, 1875-
Niendorf, Mari Jo
Nollen, Henry S., 1866-
Nollen, John Scholte, 1869-1952
Nollen, Scott Allen, 1963-
Nordskog, John Eric, 1893-
Nordstrom, Manfred A.
Norlie, Olaf Morgan, 1876-
Norman, Clarence Dean, 1931-
Norman, David
Norris, Paul G., Jr., 1904-1985
North, Robert Grady, 1916-
Norton, William Harmon, 1856-1944
Nostitz, Countess. See: Fernandez-Azabel, Lilie Bouton De
Noun, Louise R.
Nourse, Alan Edward, 1928-
Nourse, Charles Clinton, 1829-1918
Nuhn, Ferner, 1903-1989
Nutting, Willis Dwight, 1900-
Nye, Lucy Belle Hoel, 1856-1942
Nye, Russell G., 1887-
Nyren, Elva Kathryn Wilson, 1910-
Obye, Charles H., 1894-
*O’Connor, Rose Agnes, 1874-1939
Oetting, Rae
Offenburger, Charles H., 1947-
O’Hara, John Myers
Olin, Hubert Leonard, 1880-1964
Oliver, Horace S., 1905-
Olney, Maude Ellen Ageton, 1881-1975
Olney, Richard, 1927-
Olsen, Violet Mae Larsen, 1922-
Olson, Eugene, (aka Brad Steiger, John Pendragon) 1936-
*Olson, Harry Ferdinand, 1901-1982 [O]
Olson, Pearl Davies, 1900-
Olson, Timothy P.
O’Meara, J. Tim
O’Meara, Thomas A.
Onerheim, Margaret, 191[7?]-
Orchard, Hugh Anderson
Osborn, Ernest Oliver, 1880-
Ose, Jil, 1957-
Osman, Loren H., 1919-
*Osten, Gar, [?]-1991
Ostwinkle, Pamela S.
Ottersberg, Gerhard, 1898-
Overholser, Ralph E., 1894-1944
Owen, William, 1867-
Owens, Tom
Pace, Charles Nelson, 1877-1955
Pagel, Gladys Gibson, 1899-1968
Paine, Blanche Bird, 1893-
*Painter, Eleanor, ?-1947
Palacek, Mike
Palm, Florence E. Andrews, 1859-
Palmer, Bartlett Joshua, 1881-1961
Palmer, Daniel David, 1906-1978
Palmer, Jean. See: Nye, Lucy Belle Hoel, 1856-1942
*Paluka, Frank (Francis J.), 1927-
Pammel, Louis Herman, 1862-1931
Paretsky, Sara, 1947-
Parish, John Carl, 1881-1939
Parish, Leonard Woods, 1850-1910
Parizek, Grynneth (Mrs. P.)
Park, Kristy
Park, Leora Cecelia
Parker, E.T.
Parker, Edward Stewart, 1881-1952
Parker, George Frederick, 1847-1928
Parker, Leonard Fletcher, 1825-1911
Parker, Nathan Howe
Parkhurst, Henry Clinton, 1844-1933
Parks, William Robert, 1915-
Parrish, Randall
Parrish, Robert Harkness, 1918-
Parrott, Timothy C.
Parsons, Willis Edwards, 1857-1940
Parvin, Theodore Sutton, 1817-1901
Pasley, A.O., 1872-
Patton, Odis Knight, 1889-
Paul, Gordon L., 1935-
Paul, Irma Young
Paul, Nathaniel, 1831-
Paul, Sherman, 1920-1995
Paulson, Arthur Christopher, 1896-
Paxton, Forrest Duffy DeFrance, 1921-
Payne, Charles Edward, 1879-1947
Payne, Dillon H.
Peale, Ruth Stafford, 1906-
Pecinovsky, Gerald G.
Peers, William R.
Pekios, George Spiro
Pellegreno, Ann Holtgren
Pellett, Frank Chapman, 1879-1951
Pelton, Beulah Meier, 1914-
Pelzer, Louis, 1879-1946
Pendergast, Constance
Pendragon, John. See: Olson, Eugene, 1936-
Penningroth, Charles
Penningroth, Ethel Blythe, 1897-1984
Penningroth, Louis P., 1888-1973
Perkins, Charles Elliott, 1840-1907
Perkins, D.A.W.
Perkins, Edith Forbes, 1843-1925
Perkins, Jacob Randolph, 1878-1959
Perkins, Ralph, 1913-
Perrigo, Roberta. See: Bissell, Bess G., 1876-1974
*Perrin, Joyce, 1915-
Perry, William Stevens, 1832-1898
Pershall, Mary K.
Peters, Wayne Robert, 1927-
Petersen, Julius C.
Petersen, Peter L., 1935-
*Petersen, William John, 1901-1989
Peterson, Dorothy
Peterson, Mary Helene
Peterson, Ruth Delong, 1916-
Peterson, Trudy
*Peterson, Virgil Wallace, 1904-
Pettit, Ferne Schultz (Mrs. Hazen C.), 1902-
Pfaff, William, 1928-
Pfander, Homer Garrison, 1895-
Phelan, Mary Kay, 1914-
Phillips, Chester Arthur, 1882-1976
Phillips, Johanna. See: Garlock, Dorothy
Phillips, Pauline Esther Friedman, 1918-
Phillips, Semira Ann Hobbs
Pickett, Clarence Evan, 1884-1965
Pickford, Arthur, 1855-
Pidgeon, Harry, 1867-1954
Pierce, Anne Elise, 1892-1967
Pierce, Bessie Louise, 1888-1974
Pierce, John Robinson, 1910-
Pierce, Willard Bob, 1914-
Pietrzyk, Leslie
Pike, Edna May, 1908-
Pillsbury, Walter Bowers, 1872-1960
Pinder, Dorothy
*Piper, Edwin Ford, 1871-1939
*Piper, Janet Pressley, 1902-1999
Piper, Ralph E., 1912-
Pitcher, Milo Shields, 1908-
Plambeck, Herb, 1908-
Plum, Mary
Plumbe, John Jr.
Plymat, William, Jr.
Poage, Godfrey Robert, 1920-
Poarch, Filo, 1870-
Poduska, Joseph P., 1951-
Pollard, Rebecca Smith, 1831-1917
Poole, Lynn, 1910-1969. “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
*Porter, Ella Williams, 1902-
Porterfield, Waldon
Porterfield, William Hempstead, 1872-1927
Posten, Margaret Lois, 1915-
Potter, Leo Goodwin, 1901-
Poulter, Thomas Charles, 1897-1978
*Powell, John Harvey, 1914-1971 [O/I]
Powell, Virgil S., 1891(?)-
Powell, Willie, 1931(?)-1973
Powers, Darold, 1935-
Powers, Elizabeth Lathrop, 1898-1965
Powers, Elmer G., 1886-1942
Powers, Julius Henry, 1830-1907
Powers, Rachell C.
*Prange, Gordon William, 1910-1980
Pratt, LeRoy George, 1910-
Preston, Arthur. See: Hankins, Arthur Preston, 1880-1932
Preston, Ella Elizabeth, 1888-
Preston, Howard Hall, 1885-1952
Price, Hiram, 1814-1901
Price, Nancy Thompson, 1925-
Prior, Jean Cutler
Pritchard, Leland James, 1908-
Proper, D.D., 1844-
Pryor, John Carlisle, 1883-1979
Pullen, Jo Hirons
Pumphrey, Margaret Blanche,
Purcell, L. Edward
Purcell, William L., 1866-1944
Purscell, Phyllis, 1934-
Pusey, Nathan Marsh, 1907-
Putnam, George Rockwell, 1865-
Quaife, Milo Milton, 1880-1959
*Quick, Herbert, 1861-1925 [P]
Quinlan, Sterling C. (“Red”), 1916-
*Rabe, David, 1940-
Rae, Berinn
Ragan, Kathryn, 1909-
Raines, Richard C., 1898-1981
Rall, Harris Franklin, 1870-
Ramer, Ernest L.
Ramer, Leonard V., 1904-
Randall, J.P., 1865-
Randall, William Dempsey, 1891-
Randle, Kevin D.
*Randolph, Charles Daniel (“Buckskin Bill”), 1888-1982
Ransom, Daniel. See: Gorman, Ed
Rath, John, 1840-
Ravenswood, Fritzen
Ravlin, Bernice M., 1891-1949
Ray, Dorothy Jean, 1919-
Rayness, Velma Wallace, 1896-
Reasoner, Harry, 1923-1991
Reece, Maynard, 1920-
Reed, Cecil, 1913-
*Reed, Warren A., 1894-
Rehder, Denny, 1939-
Rehder, Robert M., 1935-2009
Reid, Dudley Alver, 1872-
Reid, Harvey, 1842-1910
Reid, Hiram Alvin, 1834-
Reitz, Earl Franklin
Rensink, Iva Adelheid Stoehr
Ressler, Theodore Charles, 1905-
Rest, Friederich Otto, 1913-
Rest, Karl Heinrich Albert, 1908-
Reuter, Bertha Ann, 1886-
Reynolds, William Jensen, 1920-
Rhoads, Alvaretta Downing, 1846-
Rhode, Halla
Rhodes, David Allan, 1946-
Rich, Joseph W., 1838-
Rich, Virginia, d. 1985
Richardson, David N., 1832-1898
Richman, DeWitt Clinton, 1826-1899
Richman, Irving Berdine, 1861-1938
Ridgley, Bonnie Roe
Righter, Miriam, 1900-1993
Rigler, Sarah Cox
Riker, William Harrison, 1920-
Riley, Thomas Joseph, 1929-
Ritchey, Charles, J., 1885-
Roalson, Louise, 1924-
Roba, William
Robb, Patricia Ann
Roberts, George Evan, 1857-1942
Roberts, Harold E.
Roberts, J.R. See: Gorman, Ed
*Roberts, Katharine Eggleston, 1895-1968
Roberts, Owen C.
Robertson, Georgia Day, 1886(?)- .
*Robertson, Keith, 1914- [O/I]
Robinson, Floyd A.
Roche, William T.
Roddis, Louis Harry, 1886-
Roe, Clara B. Dice, 1880-
Roe, Keith E.
Rogers, Bernice Pierce, 1916-
Rogers, Ellen
Rogers, Julia Ellen, 1866-
Rogers, Margaret Spencer
Roggensack, Delinda Marguerite, 1896-
Rohlf, Ida Catherine, 1879-1957
*Rohlf, William Amos, 1867-1941
Romkey, Michael
Rommel, Mimi Dayton, 1920-
Ronk, Emma Rosalie, 1865-1965
Rooney, Patricia
Root, Robert, 1914-
Rosdail, Jesse Hart
Rose, Curtis Malvern, 1879-
Roseliep, Raymond (Francis Edward), 1917-1983
Rosenbaum, Benjamin, 1897-
Rosenberger, N.
*Rosheim, David L., 1944-
Ross, Earle Dudley, 1885-1973
Ross, Eleanora “Betsy”
Ross, Marie Marchand, 1864-
Ross, Norman W., 1916-
Ross, Russell Marion, 1921-
Ross, William Graham, 1859-1927
Ross, Zola Helen, 1912-
Roth, Mary Augustine, 1926-
Rothfork, John
Roundy, William Noble, 1861-1935
*Rowan, Edward Beatty, 1898-1946
Rowell, Willis, 1920-
Royer, Fachon, 1902-
Rudnick, Norman, 1923-
Ruiter, Barb
Ruiter, Cindy
Rule, Edith, 1902-
Ruml, Beardsley, 1894-1960
Runbeck, Margaret Lee, 1905-1956
Rupp, Joyce, 1943-
Ruppelt, Edward J., 1923-
Russell, Charles Edward, 1860-1941
Russell, Frances Theresa Peet, 1873-1936
Russell, Frank, 1868-1903
Russell, John, 1885-1956 [P]
Russell, Ota Lee
Rutledge, Walter Aldridge, 1861-
Rutt, Anna Hong, 1889-
Ryan, Christopher Keith
*Ryan, J. Clyde, 1899-
Ryan, Kathryn Morgan
*Sabin, Edwin Legrand, 1870-1952 [O], Philip D. Jordan, “Edwin L. Sabin, Literary Explorer of the West”
Sabin, Henry, 1829-1918
Sage, Jean R.
Sage, Leland Livingston, 1899-1989
Sage, Norman
Sailor, Merlin Forrest, 1906-
Sallada, William Henry, 1846-
Salter, William, 1821-1910
Salter, William MacKintire, 1853-1931
*Saltzman, (Katherine) Eleanor, 1904-1946
*Sanborn, Duane Bradley. See: Bradley, Duane, 1914-
Sandford, John. See: Camp, John, 1944-
Sanders, Ralph W., 1933-
Sands, Sidney L., 1914-1977
Sanford, James P., 1832-
Sanger, Steve
Sannes, Lyle
Santee, Ross, 1889-1965 [P]
Sargent, George Barnard, 1818-1875
Sartori, Anton Joseph, 1883-1965
Sato, James. See: Harrold, James
*Saunders, William Irving
Sayles, Ross
Sayre, Ruth Buxton, 1896-1980
Schaap, James C., 1948-
Schacht, John N., 1943-
Schaffner, Neil E., 1892-1969
Schaffter, Dorothy, 1894-
Schapsmeier, Edward Lewis, 1927-
Schapsmeier, Frederick Herman, 1927-
Schatz, August Herman, 1884-1969
*Schell, James Peery, 1845-1932
Schell, Jim, 1937?-
Scherrer, Phoebe, 1920-
Schick, Joseph Schlueter, 1910-
Schield, Vern LeRoy, 1902-
Schlapp, George, 1838-
Schmidt, Duane A.
Schmidt, Louis Bernard, 1879-1963
Schmitt, Leo Francis, 1891-1963
Schmitz, A.F., 1890-
Schmitz, Dennis, 1937-
Schmitz, Joseph William, 1905-1966
Schneiders, Alexander Aloysius, 1909-1968
Schoby, Chester R., 1895-
Scholl, John, 1922-1988
Scholl, Melvin, 1916-
Scholte, Leonora R. Keables, 1860-
Scholten, Martin Edward, 1911-
Schooler, Bill
*Schoonover, Lawrence Lovell, 1906-1980 [P]
Schramm, Dorothy, 1909-
Schroeder, Twila Ruth Eckstrom, 1925-
Schryock, Buren, 1881-
Schuller, Robert Harold, 1926-
Schultz, Dorothy Mae, 1922-
Schultz, Robert, 1951-
Schultz, Victor
*Schwengel, Frederick Delbert, 1907-1992
Schwieder, Dorothy, 1933-
*Scofield, Cora Louise, 1870-
Scot, Barbara J.
Scott, Louise Binder, 1908-
*Seagrave, Sadie Fuller, 1882-1972
Secor, Alson
Secor, Eugene, 1841-1919
Seddon, James D.
Seeburger, Merze Marvin, 1887-
Seegers, Kathleen Walker, 1915-
Seerley, Homer Horatio, 1848-1932
Seevers, George W., 1819-1897
Seim, Richard K.
Seiser, Edmund M.
Semken, Steve
Semper, Isidore Joseph, 1883-
SerVaas, Cory, 1924-
Seydel, Jeanne Bernardine Fellman, 1902-
Seymour, Forrest W.
Shadle, Milo E.
Shafer, Thomas, 1937-
Shambaugh, Bertha Maude Horack, 1871-1953
Shambaugh, Jessie Field. See: Field, Jessie, 1881-1971
Shank, Wesley I.
Shanley, Mary Kay
Shannon, Lyle W.
Share, Joseph John, 1877-
Sharp, Abigail Gardner, 1843-1921
Shaw, Leslie Mortier, 1848-1932
Shaw, Paul B., 1896-
Shedd, Charlie W., 1915-
*Sheets, George Marsh, 1887-1974
Shelton, Billie, 1950-
Shelton, Charles Eldred, 1859-1940
Shepherd, Eleanor Murray, d. 1994
Shepherd, Geoffrey Seddon, 1899-
Shepherd, Margaret, 1946-
Shepherd, William Geoffrey, 1935-
Sherlock, Chesla Clella, 1895-1938; “Chesla C. Sherlock as First Editor of Better Homes and Gardens” by Carol Reuss, S.P.
Sherman, Althea Rosina, 1853-1943
*Sherman, Edith Bishop, 1889-
*Sherman, Richard, 1906-1962
*Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1927 [P]
Shields, Mrs. Frank
Shirer, William Lawrence, 1904-1993
Shoemaker, Verl
Short, Mary Eliza Morse
Short, Wallace Mertin, 1866-1953; “Wallace M. Short, Forgotten Warrior of the Farm Holiday” by W.H. Cumberland
Shrader, Dorothy Heckmann, 1913-
*Shultz, Gladys Denny, 1912-
Shultz, Paul, 1898-
Siders, Ellis Leroy, 1920-
Sidey, Hugh Swanson, 1927-
Siegele, Herman Hugo, 1883-
*Sigmund, Jay G., 1885-1937 [O/I/P]
Sigwarth, Anthony W., 1902-1985
Silberman, Charles Eliot, 1925-
Silcott, Martha M.
*Sillanpa, Tom
*Simmons, Eleanor (“Ellie”) Pownall, 1925-1999. See also “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Simms, Suzanne. See: Guntrum, Suzanne Simmons
Simon, Hubert K., 1917-
*Simpson, Frank B.
Sims, Vilda Barker
Sinotte, Stephen Ralph, 1941-
Siporin, Ona
Sjoberg, John, 1944-
Sjolund, Angela
Sjolund, Richard
Skahill, Jim
Skipper, John C.
Skog, Susan
Skriabina, Elena, 1906-1996
Sladek, John Thomas, 1937-
Smart, Gertrude Frances Yard, 1859-
Smiley, Jane
Smith, Alice Gustave. See: Maris, Sister Stella
Smith, Charlotte M., [O/I]
Smith, Ernest Almon, 1894-
Smith, Eugene Lewis, 1912-
Smith, Frederic
*Smith, Grace Noll, 1878-
Smith, Harold L.
Smith, Harry Pearse, 1885-
Smith, Howard Ross, 1917-
Smith, Jessica Belle Welborn, 1881-1941
*Smith, Lewis Worthington, 1866-1947
Smith, Marcine
Smith, Neal Edward, 1920-
Smith, Olga Wright
Smith, Pauline Coggeshall, 1908-
Smith, Peggy Schenk
Smith, Ralph William, 1888-1980
Smith, Roderick A., 1831-1918
Smith, Thomas R., 1909-
Smith, Vera, 1917-
Smith, Warren William (Billy), -2003
Smothers, Homer I., 1900-
Smrkovski, Jim
Snow, Alvin Lincoln, 1862-
Snow, Peter G.
Solberg, Delores, 1936-
Sollitt, Kenneth Walter
Solt, Mary Ellen Bottom, 1920-
Sonnichsen, Charles Leland, 1901-1991
Sorden, Leland George, 1898-
Soth, Lauren Kephart, 1910-
Southern, Neta Snook
Spears, Dorothea Johnson, 1901-
*Spence, Hartzell, 1908-2001 [P]
Spence, Maraget L.
Spencer, Floyd Albert, 1899-1978
Sprague, Besse Toulouse, 1893-1956
Springer, Frank, 1848-1927
Springer, John,1850-1937. See also “Publish & Perish: Printed Ephemera and Social History” by Richard M. Kolbet.
Stabe, Mary E.
Stack, Nicolete Meredith McGuire, 1896-
Stahl, Dick
Stanek, Jacqueline
Stanley, Claude Maxwell, 1904-1984
Starck, Kenneth
Starr, Edward [writing as wonderman37]
Starr, V. Hale
Starzl, Thomas, 1926-
Steck, Robert, 1921-
Stefaniak, Mary Helen
*Stegner, Wallace Earle, 1909-1993 [O/P]
Steiger, Brad. See: Olson, Eugene, 1936-
Stein, Robert, 1933-
Steiner, Edward Alfred, 1866-1956
Stelcik, Charlotte, 1928-
Stephens, Florence Helm, 1907-
Stephens, Helm. See: Stephens, Florence Helm 1907- and Stephens, Rees, 1908-
Stephens, Rees, 1908-
Stephenson, Corrine Forsee. See: Forsee, Corrine, 1892-1969
Stephenson, Neal, [1959?]-
Stevens, James Floyd, 1892-1971 [P]
Stevens, W.J.
Steward, Roger
Stewart, Georgia Elizabeth Metcalf, 1919-
Stewart, Lucy Shelton
Stewart, Marjabelle Bryant Young
Stewart, Ruth, 1836-1927
Stiles, Edward Holcomb, 1836-1927
Still, C. Henry, 1920-
*Stimpson, George William, 1896-1952
Stone, Larry A.
Stoner, Thomas Isaiah, 1868-1952
Stong, Benton J., 1905-1980
*Stong, Philip Duffield, 1899-1957 [P]. See also “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa; “Phil Stong’s State Fair” by Robert McCown
Stout, Donald Franklin, 1921-
Stout, Dorothy Jean Miller, 1924-
Stout, George A., 1867-
Stout, John Elbert, 1867-1942
Stover, Clara Lewis
Stover, Fred W., 1898-1990
Stowe, Brian
Stowe, David M., 1919-
Stratton, Maud, 1884-
Strauss, Bertram W., 1901-
Street, Ida Maria, 1856-1933
Stronks, James E., 1887-
Strub, Sean, 1958-
Struble, Virginia. See: Burlingam Virgina Struble, 1900-
Struthers, Ann
Stuart, Elizabeth Billings, 1874-1944
Stuart, Reginald Ray, 1882-1975
Studebaker, John Ward, 1887-1989
Stuelke, Theron Raymond, 1910-
Stull, Jonathan
Stump, Derald W.
Suckow, Ema. See: Hunting, Ema Suckow, 1885-1923
*Suckow, Ruth, 1892-1960 [O/I/P]. See also “Ruth Suckow’s Art of Fiction” by Lois B. Muehl
Suckow, William John, 1859-1939
Sunday, William Ashley, 1862-1935
Sunderlin, Laura A.
Sundram, Bill
Sutcliffe, John W.
Sutcliffe, Marjorie McVicker
Sutton, Preston M., 1845-1910
Swain, Donald C., 1931-
Swaine, Robert Taylor, 1886-1949
Swander, Mary, 1950-
Swanson, Harold Norling, 1899-
Swanson, Toby
Swartzendruber, Mary Eimen, 1904-
Swedburg, Wilma Adeline
Sweet, Mary Logan
Swessinger, Earl A., 1890-1972
Swift, Francis P., 1915-1982
Swift, John W.
Swisher, Benjamin Franklin, 1878-1959
Swisher, Jacob Armstrong, 1884-1976
Sytsma, Curt L.
Taff, Paul Clifford, 1887-1982
Taft, Fred Harris, 1857-
Talbot, Clare Ryan, 1899-
Talbott, John Edward, 1940-
Tanner, William R., 1933-
Tapscott, Stephen J., 1948-
Tarlton, Charles D.
Tatum, Lawrie
Taylor, Dean, 1878-
Taylor, Gordon, 1943-
Taylor, Henry Charles, 1873-1969
*Taylor, James C., 1916-
Taylor, John, 1952-
Taylor, Landon, 1813-1885
Taylor, Paul Schuster, 1895-1984
Taylor, R. Howe, 1825-
Tazewell, Charles, 1900-1972
Teakle, Thomas, 1878-
Teal, Marion Pederson, 1912-
Teel, Icey Lenora, 1878-1964
Temple, Seth Justin, 1867-
Temple, Willard Melvin, 1880-
*Thane, Elswyth (Beebe), 1900- [P]
Thanet, Octave. See: French, Alice, 1850-1934
Thielen, Thoralf Theodore, 1921-
Thiemann, Lillian Brown
*Thimmesch, Nick, 1927-1985 [O/I]
Thomas, Caroline, 1880-
Thomas, Carolyn C. See: Duncan, Actea Carolyn Young, 1913-
Thomas, J. See: Machia, James Thomas, 1932-
Thompson, Bruce, 1911-
Thompson, Era Belle, 1907-
Thompson, James Westfall, 1869-1941
Thompson, John
Thompson, Merle Raymond, 1887-
Thompson, Ralph U., 1878-
Thone, Frank, 1891-1949
Thorne, Hart. See: Carhart, Arthur Hawthorne, 1892-1978
Thorslev, Peter Larsen, 1929-
Threlkeld, Richard
Throne, Mildred, 1902-1960
Tigges, John Thomas, 1932-
Tillinghast, Benjamin Franklin, 1849-1937
Tittsworth, W.G., 1847-
Titus, Dan, 1934-
Tjernagel, Nehemais, 1868-1958
Todd, John, 1818-1894
Tokaniya. See: H(oward) Clark Brown, 1898-
Tomlinson, Howard
Tonn, Martin H., 1921-
Toohey, Bill and Mary
Tosdal, Harry Rudolph, 1889-
Toth, Susan Allen, 1940-
Toulouse, Julian Harrison, 1899-
Towner, Dorothy Schloeman
Townsend, Mack L., 1889-
Townsend, Thomas C., 1799-
Tremmel, Robert A.
Troeger, Jack, 1943-
Trueblood, David Elton, 1900-1994
Tucker, James
Tull, Jewell Bothwell, 1881-
Turner, Ralph Edmund, 1893-
Twedt, Jerry
Twomey, Katherine, 1905-
Tyler, Loren S., 1845-
Udelhofen, Gail Hannah
Ultang, Don
Updegraff, Allan Eugene, 1883-1965 [P]
Upton, Walter Horace, 1899-1973
Utech, George
Van Alstine, Sewell, 1824-
Van Buren, Abigail. See: Phillips, Pauline Esther Friedman, 1918-
Vandervelde, Marjorie Mills, 1908-
*Van Dine, Warren Lovel, 1902-1983
Van Duyn, Mona Jane, 1921-
Van Dyke, Benjamin R., 1873-1968
*Van Etten, Winifred Florence Mayne, 1902-1983
Van Keuren, Floyd, 1880-
Van Leeuwen, Mikie
Van Roekel, Gertrude B.
Van Sickle, V.A. See: Carhart, Arthur Hawthorne, 1892-1978
Van Syoc, Addie Christabel, 1881-1967
*Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964. [P]. See also “Baby Woojums in Iowa” by Bruce Kellner from Books at Iowa
Veach, William E., 1902-
*Veglahn, Nancy, 1937-
*Ver Duft, Lee, 1910-
Veskrna, Rodney, 1951-
Vicker, Angus. See: Felsen, Henry Gregor, 1916-1995
*Virden, Helen M., d. 1991
Voellinger, Arthur J.
Vogel, Virgil Joseph, 1918-
Vogelman, Joyce
Volckmann, Russel W., 1911-
Voss, Carroll A. Schell, 1899-
Voss, Jan, 1922-
Wade, Martin Joseph, 1861-1931
Wade, Richard Clement, 1922-
Wadsley, Virginia
Wagner, D.L. “Dan”, 1932-
Wagner, Margaret Mary Van Dee KerKove, 1910-
Wagner, Ruth H., 1909-
Wagner, William John, 1915-
Wahl, Mary Martha Stoessel (Stacey)
Walby, Jane Candor, 1911-
Waldron, Corbin A.
Walker, C.B.
Walker, Edwin C.
Walker, Henry J., 1908-
Walker, Joanne
Walker, Margaret Coulson
*Walker, Pamela
Walker, Willis Harry, 1900-
Wall, Joseph Frazier, 1920-1996
*Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916 [O/I]
*Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888-1965 [O/P]; “The Papers of Henry A. Wallace” by Earl M. Rogers
*Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 1866-1924[O/I]
Wallace, Ronald, 1945-
Wallace, Ruth E.
*Wallace, Zella G., 1893-
Waller, Herbert H.
Waller, Robert James, 1939-
Wallis, James Harold, 1885-
Walt, Joseph W.
Walton, Gertrude Hockett, 1878-
Walton, Josiah Proctor, 1826-1899
*Wandrey, Ralph Henry, 1922-
Ward, Henry Winfield, 1861-
*Ward, Leo Richard, 1898-1953
Ward, Winifred Louise, 1884-
Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911
Ware, Thomas A.
*Warner, Esther Sietmann. See: Dendel, Esther Sietmann Warner, 1910- [P]
Warner, Kurt
Warren, Esther Christenson, 1895-
Warren, Wilson J.
Washington, Joseph Reed, 1930-
Waterman, John Thomas, 1918-
Watson, Richard Allan, 1931-
Watson, Roscoe R.
Watt, Hazel Mae Erickson, 1895-
Watts, Franklin Mowry, 1904-
Wayne, Robert Peters, 1927-
Wearin, Otha Donner, 1903-1990
Weaver, Harriet E., 1908-
Weaver, James Baird, 1833-1912
Weaver, Randy
Weaver, William O., 1908-1991
Webb, Ruth Cameron
*Weber, Alois J.
Weber, Irving B., 1900-1997
Weber, Ronald, 1934-
Webster, Clement Lyon, 1859-
Webster, Edna Robb, 1896-
Webster, Mary E., 1948-
Weeks, Elbert Wright, 1850-1932
Weeks, Leroy Titus, 1854-1927
Weeks, Raymond, 1863-1954
*Wehman, Herbert John, 1888-1979
Weinstein, Rocio Lasansky, 1943-
*Weir, Ruth Cromer, 1912-. See also “Some Children’s Books by Iowa Authors” by Myra Cao from Books at Iowa
Weissmiller, Jan
Welch, Joseph Nye, 1890-1960
Welch, Mary Beaumont, 1841-
Weller, Peter
Wells, Ila
*Welty, Susan Elizabeth Fulton, 1905-
Wendel, Charles H.
Wendt, Gerald Louis, 1891-1973
Wenger, Ruth McCorkle
Werning, Waldo J., 1921-
West, Dorothy. See: Benson, Mildred Wirt, 1905-
West, James B., d.1983
West, Leoti L., 1851-
Westgate, Hazel, d. 1988
Westphal, Clarence, 1904-
Wetmore, Helen Cody, 1850-
Wheeler, Charles E., 1851-1927
Wherry, Elizabeth Cripliver, 1893-1956
Whicher, George Meason, 1860-1937
Whipple, Fred Lawrence, 1906-
Whitcomb, Seldon Lincoln, 1866-1930
White, Donald W.
White, Edward Spear, 1871-
*White, Hervey, 1866-1944 [P]
*White, Roland A., 1908-
White, Tom J.
White, Trumbull, 1868-1941
Whitehill, William Nelson, 1901-
Whitmer, Jean S.
Whitney, Byrl Albert, 1901-
Wick, Barthinius Larson, 1866-
Widney, Stanley A., 1901-
Wiggins, Florence Roe
Wiksell, Wesley, 1906-
*Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1875-1949
*Wilcox, Francis Orlando, 1908-1985 [O]
Wilcox, Henry S., 1855-
Wilcox, Mary Ditson
Wildasin, Henry, 1855-
Wiley, Lisa
Wilken, Carl Herman, 1895-
Wilkinson, Herbert Ellery, 1892-
Willey, Gordon Randolph, 1913-
Willham, Richard
Williams, Charles Allyn, 1877-
Williams, Charles Wilbur
Williams, Edward Huntington, 1868-1944
Williams, Harriett Elwood
Williams, Lynn. See: Hale, Arlene, 1924-
Williams, Mary Ann Barnes
*Williams, Maude Newell, 1878-
Williams, William, 1796-1874
Williams, William Appleman, 1921-1990
Williamson, Ellen Douglas, 1905-1984
Williamson, Mary Paula
Willis, Theodore Alan, 1886-
Willoughby, Doris M., 1936-
Willroth, Esther, 1884-1988
Willson, Dixie, 1890-1974
*Willson, Meredith, 1902-1984 [O/I/P]
Wilson, Edward Raymond, 1896-
Wilson, James Falconer, 1828-1895
Wilson, Jennie Lansley, 1847-
Wilson, Margaret, 1882-1973 [P]
Wilson, Robley
Winborn, Lewis A., 1902-
*Winchell, Mary Edna, 1878-
Winget, DeWitt Harris (“Dan”), 1850-1933
Winter, Charles Edwin, 1870-1948
Winters, Donald Lee, 1935-
Wirt, Mildred A. See: Benson, Mildred Wirt, 1905- [P]
Witham, James W., 1856(?)-
Wittenmyer, Annie Turner, 1827-1900
Wittrock, Quent, 1959-
Wojnar, Frances Bries
Wolf, David
Wolfe, Jack Seymour, 1902-
Wolfe, Willis, Thurston
wonderman37. See: Starr, Edward
Wood, Grant, 1892-1942
Woodrow, Joseph A.
Woolson, Eric
Work, John McClelland, 1869-
Workman, Lewis C.
*Wormhoudt, Arthur Louis, 1917-
Worthen, Amy N.
*Wortman, Allan, 1906-
Wragg, Russell, 1899-
Wright, Cynthia, 1953-
Wright, David Sands, 1847-1931
Wright, Edward Arlington, 1906-
Wright, Henry H., 1840-1905
Wright, James Claude, 1903-1979
Wright, Luella Margaret, 1881-1963
Wright, Shirley Bryan
Wundram, Bill
Wyatt, Margaret. See: Ravlin, Bernice M., 1891-1949
Wylie, Edna Edwards, 1876-1907
Yagla, Chuck
*Yambura, Barbara Schneider, 1917-
Yates, Bart
Yeager, Dorr Graves, 1902-
Yoder, Franklin L.
Yoder, Sanford Calvin, 1879-
*Yoseloff, Martin, 1919- [P]
*Yoseloff, Thomas, 1913-
Youle, Estelle Goodwin LeProvost, 1867-
Young, Elizabeth, 1910-
Young, John Orr, 1886-
Young, John Wray, 1907-
Young, Karl, 1879-1943
Young Bear, Ray
Youngberg, Norma Ione Rhoads, 1896-
Youngdahl, Herbert M.
Youngs, Bettie B.
Zabel, Jim
Zabilka, Gladys Mae, 1917-
Zabilka, William, 1883-
*Zaffiras, George John, 1904-
Zeitlin, Patty, 1936-
Ziegenmeyer, Nancy
Zielinski, John M.
Zierold, Norman J., 1927-
Zimmer, Sister Mary Honora
Zimmerman, Anthony Francis, 1917-
Zinn, Gladys Avery. See: Avery, Gladys Zinn, 1899-1986
Zollinger, Gulielma, 1856-1917
Zug, Joan Liffring. See: Liffring-Zug, Joan, 1929-
We lack information regarding birthplace or length of residence in Iowa for the following authors. (Residence of 20 or more years is a guideline for inclusion in the Iowa Authors Collection).
Ankeny, Henry Giese, 1827-1906
Bailey, A.S., 1835-1911(?)
Baldwin, Clarence W.
Bancroft, Charles
Barnes, Harlan Ward
Barnhart, Gloria
Bell, George W., 1832-1907
Bell, John Thomas, 1842-1918
Benedict, Lovina B.
Bentz, Charles Kuter
Billington, Addie B.
Bjornstad, Edith M.
Blanchard, B.W.
Bland, Leon
Bowen, Edward Emmett, 1869-
Bradford, Oliver W., 1831-1907
Bredow, Paul
Briggs, Milton
Brimer, G. Irene
Brooks, Emerson M.
Brown, Charles E., 1813-1901
Bruland, Godfrey S.
Bryant, William
Burban, W.J.
Burdick, Raymond
Burgess, John, 1821-
Burns, Thomas Joseph, 1878-
Burton, Warren H.
Caspe, Mary
Cattern, James W.
Cebuhar, Steve
Cheney, Joseph Warren, 1845-1916
Chesen, Eli S.
Cheville, Roy Arthur, 1897-
Christy, Thomas, 1830-
Clark, Fay Marvin
Clarkson, Anna Howell
Clayton, Donald D.
Clayton, Marge
Cochran, Herbert, 1911-
Cole, Vivian Padget, 1910-
Comrie, Margaret. See: Olson, Margaret Comrie
Comstock, Loring Samuel, 1843-1873
Coogan, Sister M. Jane
Cook, Cecil
Cook, Gladys Moon, 1907-
Cook, William L.
Cooper, Clara Chassell, 1893-
Coppock, Walter J., 1889-
Corkey, Alexander
Cowden, J.G.
Cummins, Scott, 1846-1928
Cunningham, Jules Cool, 1879-
Daugherty, Robert Dodds, 1874-
Davis, Caleb Forbes, 1839-1898
Davis, James Cox, 1857-1937
DeGroote, Oliver Howard, 1885-
Diener, Richard A., 1930-
Dilts, Harold Eugene, 1929-
Drewelow, John Frederick
Ducommun, Helen Anthony
DuMont, Philip Atkinson
Duncan, James T.
Durkee, B.F.
Dye, Eva Emery, 1855-
Dykstra, Broer Doekeles, 1871-
Earhart, Anna Maud
Earley, Carrie L., 1880-1907
Eichorn, John Clifford
Elarton, John W., 1844-
Elgin, Robert
Elshoff, James E.
Emerson, Helen Rieger
Engel, Frank L.
Fickel, Geraldine M.
Fisher, Walter R., 1931-
Fleming, J.W.
Foran, Wilber L.
Foster, Thomas Dove, 1847-1915
Fuller, Corydon Dustathius
Fullerton, Robert
Fulton, Alexander R., 1825-1891
Gaddis, Isaac R., (?)-1915
Garretson, Robert
Gilbreath, W.C.
Goettsch, Sherrie
Goetz, Delia
Govern, Elaine
Graf, Leo, 1910-
Graf, Nellie
Graham, Lillian S.
Green, Ivah
Green, Thomas Edward, 1857-
Gregg, Warren Bentley
Greimann, Burnice Petheram
Griswold, Laurence V., 1905-
Grondahl, Kathryn
Hancock, Carolyn
Handy, Gertrude, 1905-1972
Harbert, Elizabeth Morrisson Boynton, 1845-
Harmon, Linda A.
Harness, Alice Conner
Harrington, Helen
Harris, J.D.
Hartley, Silas Francis, 1884-
Hartshorn, Betty
Haun, Eugene, 1920-
Headlee, Harold Merle
Heberling, Alma, 1856-
Heckart, Lizzie Fellows
Henderson, M.A.
Henry, Clyde A., 1873-
Herber, Beth A.
Herring, Stella Mae
Herringshaw, Thomas William, 1858-
Hill, DeWitt C.
Hill, Jasper S.
Hillis, Hazel
Holman, E.H.H.
Holst, Bernard Paul, 1861-
Holt, Mrs. Albert
Hormel, Frank C., 1850-1892
Hudson, Carl K.
Hughes, T.J.
Huntington, Arthur, 1874-
Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham
Jacobs, Leonard J.
Jessup, Stephen M.
Johnson, P. Adelstein, 1868-
Johnson, W.R.
Jossem, Earl G.
Kaye, John Brayshaw
Kellogg, John Jackson, 1837-1916
Klimo, Vernon
Krale, Clarence O.
Lage, Dorothy
Lane, Bertha Palmer
Letts, Albina Marilla Brockway
Lewis, Kenneth C.
Lingenfelter, Littebury
Long, Robert McKee, 1853-
Love, Wanda Seney
McClain, William
McCoid, Moses Ayers, 1840-1904
McElroy, Margaret J.
Madden, Walter T.
Manning, Jessie Wilson, 1855-
Maxwell, Sara B., 1837-1904
Mendenhall, Lewis
Meredith, Robert
Merrill, Samuel R., 1822-1899
Miller, Gordon Wayne, 1938-
Miller, Mary Morgan
Miner, Samuel Elbert, 1815-1904
Moore, Francis Roy
Morcombe, Joseph E., 1859-
Most, William George, 1914-
Mouser, Stanley J.
Mulert, Toni
Mulgrew, John P.
Müller, A.O.
Murphy, Lawrence Elbert, 1890-
Myers, Frank
Naae, Thorlief T., 1862-
Newell, Albert, 1805-
Nichols, Nell Beaubien
Norwood, Irving C.
Olson, Margaret Comrie
Ott, Edward Amherst
Paine, Albert Bigelow, 1861-1937
Pantier, Mimi
Parrish, Randall, 1858-1923
Patten, Catherine K.
Patterson, Helen Burns
Peck, Morton E.
Pellett, Kent Louis
Peterson, Albert
Plumbe, John, 1809-1857
Proenneke, Richard
Pyle, William J.
Randall, Ransom H.
Ransom, James Harley, 1893-
Redeker, Katherine R.
Reed, Julius A., 1809-1890
Reid, J.M.
Reida, Bernice
Rettig, Lawrence Leonard
Rime, Lloyd
Rinehart, George Franklin, 1864-
Rittenhouse, Rufus, 1825-
Robbins, Vesta O.
Roberts, Graham. See: Garretson, Robert
Rogers, Hope
Rouse, Clara B.
Row, Lillie
Ryan, Paul Henry, 1852-
Sanders, W.E.
Saunders, William Irving
Secor, Arthur J.
Shaw, Floyd A.
Shellenberger, Laura S.
Shepherd, Gordon Murray, 1933-
Sherman, Ernest Anderson, 1868-
Smith, C.A.
Smith, Elbert A., 1871-1959
Smith, Henry I.
Smith, Olive Cole, 1869-
Smith, Paul C.
Smith, Russ L.
Snyder, Rose E.
Soldofsky, Alan
Sommerville, George W.
Spargo, Barbara Clough
Speer, Faye Nixon
Spencer, Richard, 1921-
Sperry, Williard Learoyd, 1882-1954
Speyer, Leonora von Stosch, 1872-1956
Stanton, Gerrit Smith, 1845-
Stapp, Emilie Blackmore
Stealy, Elza Rollin
Stedwell, Anson, 1843-
Stine, Nellie
Stone, Leo
Strohm, Franklin Walter, 1889-
Stuart, Addison A.
Swansen, Hans Fred, 1889-
Talbot, William Lohmar, 1917(?)-1988
Teeter, Verl Abner, 1895-
Timp, Mrs. Gerald
Traxler, Charles Jerome
Triem, Eve, 1902-
Tschiggfrie, David
Turnbull, John E.
Turner, Cyrus S.
Tuttle, Elizabeth
Tye, Charles H.
Van Lissel, Karen
Vandervelde, Marjorie Mills
Vogl, Carl
Wackerbarth, Marjorie
Wallace, Ronald
Watson, Sheppard Arthur, 1894-
Wentworth, Frank L., 1866-1942
White, George Edward, 1861-
Wilkie, Franc Bangs, 1832-1892
Williams, Ethel Scott
Williams, Manuella
Williams, Ora
Wilson, Ray A.
Winger, Barney
Wolf, W.W.
Wolff, Henriette