1. Data Types | 2. Related Tools | 3. Standards | 4. Preservation & Access | 5. Restrictions | 6. Oversight
This checklist addresses the 6 required elements which can be found on the Writing a Data Management and Sharing Plan page , in the NIH DMS Policy , and in an optional format worksheet (docx), all from NIH.
*There may be some slight differences between these sources.
- Check the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOAs) or Request for Applications you are applying to for more specific requirements than the general NIH policy.
- Similarly, Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) may have more specific data policies .
- Keep track of plan elements that can be included in the grant budget.
- Watch Budgeting for Data Management in NIH Grants by FASEB DataWorks.
Links below take you to more guidance and examples from this website and NIH.
1. Data Type
Summarize the type(s) of scientific data you expect to collect or generate that will be necessary to validate your findings.
- List and describe the types of data that will be created or used as part of the study, including:
- Types of data, file formats, size, and number of files (estimate quantities as necessary).
- Describe which data from the project will be preserved and the reasoning.
- The level of aggregation, de-identification, or processing/cleaning that will be done prior to sharing.
- The source(s) of any secondary data or previously collected data to be used in the project.
- Describe the metadata and other documentation that will be shared with your data to facilitate interpretation, such as:
- Readme files
- Minimum Information about an Experiment (see also 3. Standards, below)
- Data dictionaries
- Codebooks
For data subject to the GDS Policy:
2. Related Tools, Software, and/or Code
Identify hardware, software/code or other tools necessary to access or manipulate the shared data.
- State whether or not specialized software, code/scripts, or hardware are needed.
- For each tool that is necessary, list:
- Software version number and operating system, if applicable.
- Describe how the tool can be accessed (e.g., open source and freely available, generally available for a fee in the marketplace, or available only from the research team or some other source). For instance, see sharing code.
- How long they will be available (if known).
3. Standards
List the standards that will be used for sharing the data and metadata. These may range from open file formats for data, to standards or commonly accepted practices for the structure and organization of documentation (metadata).
Describe and state whether or not there are standards or commonly accepted practices for your field that are applicable:
- For data, standards such as:
- Data file formats that enable reuse, preservation and access
- Common data elements — CDEs, or other systematic data collection tools and instruments
- NCI Genomic Data Standards
- For metadata:
- Standard terminologies (e.g., from thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies)
- Minimum information standards (e.g., MIAME , MINSEQE )
- Chemical substance identifiers
- Research resource identifiers
- Methods, protocols
- For more examples and ideas, see these registries of standards:
- If there are no established standards, how will you facilitate access and reuse of the data and metadata?
4. Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines
Provide details and timelines for sharing and preserving data for long term usability.
- Name the repository(ies) where data will be archived:
- Does the Funding Opportunity specify a repository?
- Does the Institute or Center specify certain repository(ies)?
Selecting a repository: see the NIH Guide , NIH Domain-Specific Repositories , and UI Guide.
If no domain repository exists, we strongly recommend using Iowa Research Online over other generalist repositories.
- Specify which type of unique identifier is used by the repository (DOI, handle, ID number, accession number) (NOTE: an identifier is not required at time of DMS plan submission).
- If the repository(ies) has/have particular metadata standards (not usually described), list in the standards section.
- Revisit your data list from section 1 and
- Describe when each of the types of data from Section 1 will be made available (portions of the data may be released at different times). Either:
- Data will be made available when the work is published or the award/support period ends (whichever comes first)
– OR – - Data will be made available earlier
- Data will be made available when the work is published or the award/support period ends (whichever comes first)
- Describe when each of the types of data from Section 1 will be made available (portions of the data may be released at different times). Either:
- State the minimum number of years data will be available, based on repository policies.
For data subject to the GDS Policy:
5. Access, Distribution, or Reuse Considerations
Describe how sharing will be maximized while respecting restrictions.
- Is there a license you will use (check with the repository for options) to enable or restrict reuse and redistribution? For instance, in IRO we recommend ODC-BY v 1.0 for data.
- Describe any considerations that may affect the extent of data sharing:
- Legal (e.g., licenses, intellectual property)
- Technical considerations or limitations
- Ethical (e.g., protecting human subjects)
- Rather than refraining from sharing altogether, consider whether data can be shared with access controls or via a data use agreement. If there are intellectual property concerns, consider if an embargo period would suffice.
- If you have human subject data, describe how you will protect the privacy, rights, and confidentiality of study participants (de-identification, etc.).
Expectations for human genomic data subject to the GDS Policy:
6. Oversight of Data Management and Sharing
Identify who will be responsible for plan compliance and oversight.
- List names and titles/roles of everyone who will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the data management plan and updating it as needed.
- State how often compliance with the data management plan will be verified (e.g., every ___ months, on the first of each month, etc.).
This checklist is based on one created by the NIH DMSP Guidance for Data Support Services Working Group , with modifications and additional links by Brian Westra. Updated November 2024.